Chapter 8:You're a Beautiful Girl

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"Oh hey Luna" you said brushing off the dust on your skirt when you fell from bumping into her

"Don't oh hey me" she said in a rude tone

You saw all the boys standing in both sides of you. Luna's face then turned into disgust.

"Why do you boys hangout with someone disgusting like her, she's all over you"

"Well I'm sorry that she's our sister and nobody from our school wants to be friends with her so she has to stay around us." Said Taehyung

"Her? Your sister? Haha unbelievable, last time I checked you guys never had a sister."

"SHE'S OUR STEP SISTER" You jumped from the loud yelling coming from Jimin

"Oh well I feel bad for you guys, you have to deal with her ugly ass"

"Excuse me?" Said Hobi

"Yeah you heard me. She's an ugly ass"

You saw Jungkook step in front her and give her a hard slap in the face.
She started to cry but honestly she deserved it.

You saw her run away and never come back.

"Hey Y/n don't worry the things she said weren't true, you are a beautiful girl and no one can be as beautiful as you are~" Jimin said

"Thank you Jimin I appreciate you saying that." You said as you hugged him.

"Wanna go home?"Namjoon said rubbing my back

"Yes please"

We all ran to the car and started heading home


When I got to my room I changed into comfy clothes and laid down

Sigh that was rough. I hope she doesn't come attack me when we go back to school,I wonder how she found me.

I am surprised that Jungkook stepped in and helped. I thought he hated me so much that he wouldn't help and would have just stood the letting her insult me.
Maybe I should go thank him, he is the one that made her go away.

You walked to Jungkook's and knocked on his door

"Hey Jungkook can I come in?"

You waited for a response but no one answered. You decided to walk in anyway.

You then saw Jungkook laying on his bed sleeping peacefully.

'Hmm I guess he was tired when he got home'

Why does he look so cute his face looks so peaceful and soft. His lips were a perfect tint of pink. His jawline was-
Y/n stop thinking about this he's your brother not your boyfriend.

I'll just tell him Thank you when he wakes up.

You went downstairs to see Taehyung sitting in the living room.

"Hi Taehyungie"

"Oh hi Y/n~"

"Whatcha doing?"

"Playing overwatch, wanna come watch?

"Yeah sure!"

You headed over to wear he was sitting and sat next to him. You felt him get closer and now both are you touching shoulders.He's really warm, you feel protected around him for some reason, like he's not gonna hurt you.

You look at his face and he seems so concentrated,  he must really like this game. Looking at his features you notice his eyes one is a mono lid and the other is a double lid, how unique. At school he seems so serious but at home he is calm and fun. I really like Taehyung.

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