Chapter 15:I have to choose

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"I'm sorry what?" I say confused

"I like you Y/n" Namjoon says shyly

"But Namjoon we are siblings.."

"So what if we are I bet all the other boys have confessed to you too why are you still surprised

"Well I just wouldn't have thought guys like you would like me I guess"

"Y/n You're beautiful of course we like you everything about you is perfect"

I blush a little and look over at the ducks floating in the lake

"Thanks Namjoon that means a lot but what am I suppose to do everyone likes me"

I feel Namjoon's hand touch mine

"You just have to choose Y/n it's that easy"

"But I can't all of you mean everything to me I don't want to hurt any of you.."

I sigh and starting eating a little bit of the granola bar I packed.

"Well I it's hard but you have to choose who you want at one point right? I'll give you time to choose but I don't know about the others, don't be to pressured ok?"

"Yeah ok Thanks Joonie" I said smiling at him

"Of course Y/n anytime"

At Home

As I walk in I was greeted with the smell of breakfast being made. I walk into the kitchen and see Jin prepping the table.

"Hey Jin, you making breakfast?"

"Yeah but where did you go I was trying to find you"

"Oh Namjoon and I went out to the lake and had a picnic,sorry I wasn't here"

Jin paused for a second and turned around

"This early in the morning?"

"Yeah we wanted to get back before breakfast was ready"

"Oh ok well go get ready for school"

I head upstairs and get ready.

Before I was about to leave my room I heard a knock on my door. I open it and see taehyung standing there.

"What's up Tae?"

"Hey Y/n um I was wondering if you have a curling wand..?" He says fiddling with his fingers

"Oh yeah I do but why do you ask?"

"Well I was wondering if you can curl my hair.."

"Oh yeah of course that would look so good!"

I grab Taehyungs hand and drag him into my bathroom.

I take out the curling want and starting curling his hair.

"So why do you wanna curl your hair Tae is there a girl you're trying to impress?"

"Well I saw it on Instagram and I thought it looked good so I wanted to try it."

"Oh well I bet it will turn out good"

"Yes hopefully"

I finished curly his hair and it looked great on him.

"Wow tae you look so good!"

"Thanks Y/n I love it" he says smiling

"Oh of course anytime"

Me and Tae head downstairs and eat breakfast with the others then go to school.

At school

"Hey Y/n!"

I turn around and see Yugyeom standing in in front of me.

"oh hey yugyeom.." I say quietly

I look around to see if Jimin or the others are around.

"Why are you so quiet?"He says

"um i don't know anyways I gotta go bye."

I close my locker and run away going to my first class.

At lunch

I feel so bad for running away from Yugyeom like that I bet he's so confused.

As I was getting my food I see Jungkook standing at a table with girls, it looks like one of them is flirting with him.

I finish getting my food and headed over to the others.

"Hey Jimin do you know who Jungkook is talking to?" I ask

"Oh, that's Jessica and Milly they're super I mean I suggest to stay away from them."

"Ok thanks but why is he talking to them if they're so mean?"

"I'm pretty sure they both have huge crushes on him"he says giggling

"I'm not surprised.."

Jungkook's POV

"So Jungkook wanna come over later so we can, you know do homework" Jessica says winking

"Um I'm good thanks I have to help my brother out with preparing dinner"

"Aww pretty please Kookie l, just for me" she says whining

"Yeah Kookie come on it'll be fun" Milly says touching my hand

I pull my hand quick and get up.

"Sorry girls I gotta go bye"

I walk to table with the others and see Y/n looking down at her phone.

Why do I feel like this.. I like her so much but hate her hate the same time. She kissed my brother.

Maybe it was an accident or it's photoshopped like she said it was.This girl makes me go crazy

"Jungkook are you ok you look like you're freaking out"

I look up and see everyone but Y/n looking at me.

"Oh yeah I'm fine thanks" I respond

"Ok well eat your food quick lunch is almost over" Jin says


After school

When we were walking home I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Hey Jungkook I'm sorry about what you saw about me and Jimin." Y/n says

"Yeah whatever i don't care."

"Jungkook why are you so mad?"

"That's my brother Y/n why else would I be mad"

"Like I told it's fake we didnt actually kiss!"

"Yeah as if, don't talk to me"

We all walked back home in silence..

I don't think I can ever forgive Y/n....

Because I love her to much...

To be continued...
Sorry for such a short chapter but I hope you enjoyed it 💕 love y'all and thanks for supporting my book🥺💕✨

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