Lunar Eclipse

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Sixteen hours.

Sixteen hours Lydia, Isaac and I had been sitting in the back room of the animal clinic helplessly staring at our love ones lifeless bodies, silently praying that they woke up.

Isaac and I were sitting side by side on top of the counter to the side of the room as Lydia leant against the opposite wall and idly filed her perfectly manicured nails as though she didn’t have a care in the world. I stifled an affectionate smile as I ducked my head because even in the middle of a life and death situation, surrounded by the supernatural, Lydia Martin found time to make sure she looked her best.

 “They’re just being dramatic.” Lydia drawled in a bored voice as she rolled her green eyes subtly and I chuckled lightly as she glanced up in our direction with a small smile.

“Scott and I had to have something in common.” I replied teasingly with a cocky grin as I winked dramatically at the strawberry blonde and she smirked back at me as she shook her head before going back to her nails. I sighed slightly as I glanced at the three metal tubs in the middle of the room and I leaned into Isaac’s side as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.  

Hours passed us by slowly as we took turns napping on the uncomfortable couch Deaton kept in his office, finishing the homework we’d been assigned pry to learning that our English teacher was a psychopathic murder and Lydia and I grilling Isaac about his relationship with Allison.

“Oh my god!” I shouted angrily as I stood in the middle of the examination room with my hands on my hips and I glared at the lifeless bodies of Scott, Stiles and Allison as though they were personally responsible for every wrong in the world. “How hard is it find a freaking Nemeton!? The thing is huge!”

“Hey! Leave them alone, alright? They’re risking their lives doing this for us. Be a little more grateful. I don’t see you in a bucket of freezing cold water.” Lydia snapped in irritation as she pushed herself off of the wall she was leaning on with her arms crossed over her chest and I immediately rounded on her with a scowl on my lips.

“I volunteered! I begged and begged for Scott to let me be the one who did this! Deaton told us if I died it would start me on the path to become a Darach. Excuse me if I wanted to avoid turning into an evil psychopath like the one we’re currently dealing with!”

“What do you mean turning?” she mumbled to herself as she strolled over to the bench in front of the tubs but I easily heard her with my werewolf hearing and gasped slightly at the insinuation as I narrowed my eyes at her.

“What was that? I’m a psychopath? How do you figure that?”

“Hm. Maybe I was referring to you being ‘evil’. I mean, you are sleeping with one of the murderous Alpha’s trying to kill us all, right?”

“Yeah, uh huh. And who was it that was sleeping with a homicidal lizard?” I asked her condescendingly as I tilted my head to the side in mock confusion and she spun around to glare at me with her green eyes flashing with anger at the reminder of her ex-boyfriend. “Oh, and speaking of being evil, who was it who poisoned us all with wolfsbane at her birthday party?”

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