You've Got A Friend In Me

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I shifted the plastic bag I was carrying in my left hand as I knocked on the apartment door in front of me and I stepped backwards as I waited for someone to answer the door for me. I glanced down at the ground impatiently as the door swung open from the inside and I lifted my head up with a smile to see Chris Argent standing in the doorway. 

“Hi, Chris!” I greeted him enthusiastically with a bright smile as I stepped into the apartment without being asked and he blinked in surprise at my abrupt entry as I pushed pass him.

“Sophie. What are you doing here?” he asked me in confusion as I walked through the apartment as though I owned the building and he followed after me as I headed in the direction of the kitchen.

“I came to see Allison. And you, of course.” I explained cheerfully as I glanced over my shoulder at him with a wink and he chuckled slightly as I placed the plastic bag I was holding on the kitchen counter. “There’s been a lot going on lately and I haven’t had the chance to spend any quality girl time with Allie.”

“I’m sure she’ll appreciate you coming over.”

“Of course she will. I brought ice-cream.” I stated matter-of-factly as I pulled a carton of Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream out of the plastic bag with a smirk and he shook his head at me slightly as he opened a drawer to grab two spoons. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” He replied easily as I took the spoons from his outstretched hand with a small smile and I picked up the plastic bag from the counter as Chris gestured with his hand for me to go down the hall to Allison’s room. I nodded at him in thanks with a small smile as I headed down the familiar route to the young huntresses bedroom and I knocked on the closed wooden door at the end of the hallway.

“Come in!” Allie called out from inside the room as I shifted my hold on the bag in my hand and I opened the door to see her lying on her stomach on her bed with textbooks spread out over the quilt. She looked up from the text when the door opened and a grin spread across her lips as her dark brown eyes lit up when she saw me in the doorway. “Sophie!”

“Hey! I come bearing gifts.” I announced happily as I walked into the room and closed the door behind me as she sat up on the middle of the bed. I strolled over to her vanity room to the side of the room and placed the bag down on top as I turned to face my friend with a coy smirk on my lips.

“Ooh! What’d you bring me?!”

“First, we have your favourite ice-cream. Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia.” I told her brightly as I pulled the carton of ice-cream out of the bag and her eyes went wide as she made a dramatic ‘oohing’ sound. I placed the carton down on the vanity table with a flourish as I quirked an eyebrow at her and I reached into the bag as I pulled out a bag of gummy bears. “Second, we have delicious gummy bears.”

“Nice.” Allison remarked giddily as she grinned at me with her hands clasped together under her chin and I bowed slightly with a grateful smile as I winked in her direction.

“And lastly, we have an assortment of other candies.” I told her excitedly as I grabbed the plastic bag from the vanity table and tipped it upside down over the end of the bed as the a mixture of different bags of candy including marshmallows, Hershey’s bars, M&M’s, Red vines, Milk duds and Reese's peanut butter cups tumbled onto the bed.

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