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Unknown to any of the Avengers, Corvus Glaive was very much alive and in hiding. He was in the place where Shuri abided with Vision, taking the mind stone out. The child of Thanos attacked the Wakandans protecting Shuri, and Ayo screamed a victory shout but was soon thrown down. Shuri closed up what she was doing, and shot at Corvus. Shuri and Ayo got knocked into the next room, smashing through the glass in the process, and Corvus followed. He looked around for something, or someone before Vision attacked him. Managing to knock Corvus out the window of the Capital, and fell from a high drop.

"Uh, guys we have a Vision situation here!" Falcon said to the team before being thrown down by a outrider.

"Somebody get to Vision!" Steve yelled over comm.

"I got it." Melina replied, flying into the air.

"I'm on my way." Wanda said and was about to take off, when Proxima punched her down and she rolled into the ditch, with Proxima following. She forced Wanda onto her back and said, "He'll die alone, as will you."

"She is not alone." Came a response from behind Proxima, who looked over and saw Natasha, then turned again to see Okoye in a fighting stance with her spear at ready.

Pocahontas flew into the air, wrapping her legs around Proxima's neck. She punched her several times before being thrown off. Proxima charged at Natasha and swung her sword to strike downward, while Natasha held up her own weapon to block the attack as Okoye ran around to stand next to Natasha.

Meanwhile, Vision struggled to fight Glaive because of the extraction of the stone weakened him severely. Melina arrived just in time with Bruce, wearing the Hulkbuster armor.

"Oh no you don't. This ain't gonna be like New York, pal. This suit has already kicked the crap out of the Hulk." Bruce told the two aliens. He fought Cull Obsidian first, flying away somewhere else.

Melina blasted Glaive away, giving her time to check on Vision. She has a tendency to be caught off guard.

"You're going to be okay, I promise." She told her Android friend.

She was then attacked by Glaive, leaving Vision unprotected. In that fighting, Melina was stabbed by Glaive in the thigh. She quickly got on her knees and closed the cut with her laser powers.

Bruce fought against Cull, "Hulk, I know you like picking your entrances at the last second. This is it, this is the last second." Bruce powered up a repulser in his left hand , but Cull ripped it off and Bruce groaned in frustration,
"Hulk, Hulk!" He tried to transform into Hulk, but for some reason the big guy refused to come out.

"Oh, screw you, you big green asshole, I'll do it myself." Bruce charged forward and with one arm, leaped into the air to deliver a hard punch, jumped behind him and swung his arm, knocking Cull back then did an upper cut.

He went to punch Cull again, only for his fist to get caught and Cull punched Bruce. Bruce found a way to kill Cull, by attaching an Iron Man gauntlet to his hand and it launched Cull into the air; killing him.

Natasha and Okoye were still engaged in battle with Proxima, who kept up the intense fight against the duo. The digger just jumped over the ditch, taking this distraction as an opportunity for Proxima to knock them both down.

Meanwhile, Melina was still fighting Glaive. She was fighting hand to hand with him and she managed to keep him down for a couple seconds. That's when Steve came in to help his girl out.

Back in the field, Natasha was standing alone against Proxima, who managed to pin her down and was about to cut her head off when, red wisps of energy encased Proxima to halt her actions. This confused her for a second, then Wanda used her telekinesis to throw Proxima into the air, just as a driller came and went by, killing her instantly and blue blood splattered everywhere, getting a partial of Natasha's face.

She sat up and saw Wanda backing down, and made a comment, "That's gross."

Steve and Melina fought side by side, before Melina was hit and Glaive began to choke Steve. Then a blade pierced through his chest from behind, killing Glaive and releasing Steve, allowing him to breathe easier again as he coughed. Vision stood holding the spear, before tossing Glaive aside along with it and collapsed.

"I thought I told you to go." Steve said as he and Melina helped him up.

Vision looked him in the eye and said, "We don't trade lives, Captain." Using his own words from before at the Avengers Facility.

"Exactly, Captain." Melina said, smirking  at Steve.

Pocahontas flew to where Vision, Melina and Steve were.

"The battle isn't over yet. The earth is telling me that he's coming." She informed.

He looked at Mel, noticing her change in behavior and put a calming hand on her arm as a way of trying to comfort her. Everyone was on high alert as they awaited in anticipation for this new arrival.

Soon a portal opened in a blue cloud of smoke and electricity, in stepped a mass figure that was as big and as tall as the Hulk, purple skin and dark suit with gold armor. On his left hand was the Infinity Gauntlet with only one more Stone to put in place.

"Cap, that's him." Bruce said, staring at the main threat that was and is Thanos.

Steve activated his shields, "Eyes up, stay sharp."

First to charge at Thanos was Bruce, then Steve, T'Challa and Sam. But each had been either knocked away, slammed or punched down. By now, Wanda had already begun to destroy the mind stone with her powers. Pocahontas made herself invisible, charging at Thanos.

"It's alright." Vision comforted, "I just feel you."

"You could never hurt me. I love you." He told her as she slowly destroyed the mind stone.

Soon the rest of the team began to attempt to stop Thanos, Melina joined in and sent a flurry of laser knives, teleporting and making copies of herself to attack from every direction. With the help from Pocahontas, they fought in unison. Thanos was pushed back. Pocahontas summoned vines and pulled Thanos down.

For a moment it seemed like it was working as Groot used his own roots to reinforce the binding with Pocahontas. But Thanos quickly broke free from the restraints. Soon, only Mel, Steve and Pocahontas were left standing while Wanda was still working to destroy the Mind Stone.

Thanos attempted to grab Steve, but he managed to punch him a couple times. Melina also punched him with her light speed reflexes. Pocahontas tried to hit him but Thanos stopped her. Annoyed and a bit ticked off, Thanos used the power stone and soul stone to immediately beat her down; knocking her out. Mel and Steve were last ones standing as they continued to take on Thanos.

Steve caught Thanos' fist and yelled, surprising the Mad Titan. He punched Steve in the head, who fell to the ground immediately. Melina was the only one left, except for Wanda and Vision. He walked towards her and she kept him away by shooting laser out of her eyes; protecting Wanda.

The stone finally got destroyed and there was an explosion effects, making a wave of force to knock Mel and Wanda down, even Thanos was breathing a bit heavily from the impact.

Thanos walked up calmly, "I understand, my child. Better than anyone."

Wanda looked up, pain, grief and anger in her eyes as she told him, "You could never."

Thanos sighed quietly to himself, "Today I've lost more than you could know. But now is not the time to mourn." He stepped over to where the Mind Stone had been destroyed, "Now is no time at all." Thanos activated the Time Stone and began to turn back the clock.

"No, please, Thanos. I have children!" Melina yelled, getting up and blasted him as hard as she could. He fell over, even more confused than before. How could a mere mortal, just a human stop him and resist him this much?

By now, Thanos had become livid and desperate; just wanting to complete his task. He stood up, turning around to face Melina, whose whole body, especially her eyes, glowed red. She looked tiny in front of him, but she could not let this happen.

With these abilities, she promised her children she could be their light. Their knight in shining armor. The Swiss mother could not let evil bestow upon her kids, or the world. It was as simple as that. Everyone was else on the floor, hurt and mourning; while Melina was going to fight Thanos one last time. It was a frantic attempt to protect the universe.

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