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I wake up to Sam jumping on the bed. "It's Christmas!!" She yells. I grab my phone and look at the time. It's 4:30 in the morning.

"Sweetie go wake up your cousin." I say to her. She jumps off the bed and I start drifting off until I hear yelling from the other room.

Miki comes into the room and tickles me until I surrender and apologize.

I grab a present I have for them. I have a present for mainly everyone. I may or may not have snuck out to get them, but I felt fine at the time.

I get Miki to help me to the living room where the tree and presents are. I get to the couch and plop down. I set the presents I got under the tree and drift off.

I am woken up at 7 when Sam had gone around and waken everyone up.

I am wearing a long sleeve shirt and some comfortable fluffy sleepy pants. I pull the sleeves up on my shirt and wait for Sam to come sit on my lap.

She comes over and sits next to me.

We hand out presents and everyone has gotten one.

Somebody gives one to me. I look at it confused. "For me?" I ask. They nod. "You must be wrong. This must be one of yours." I say in the automatic response.

They shake their heads. "No that's yours." Tony says.

I refuse to take it. I stand up and fall to the ground because I'm too weak to stand.

Once at Christmas I was tricked into thinking one of the presents was mine. When I opened it I was yelled at  and beaten harshly. I had cried that night because I was now scared of Christmas. The only person that ever gave me anything was the band and choir teachers.

When somebody came over to help me and cringed away. "I'm sorry, ma'am! I didn't touch it." I say. I'm blinded by fear.

I feel somebody, I think Miki, grab my hand and try to pull me up. I start bawling and look up at her. All I see is Mrs. Neal.

"Mrs. Neal, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was hers. I was told it was mine." I say. I'm in the memory and can't seem to escape.

This was when she yelled at me. 'Don't sass me. I don't care what you were told.' Then she whipped me with a belt over and over. That was one of the worst.

Miki looks down at me horrified.

"Please stop, that hurts. Mrs. Neal." I scream out. That was when she got fed up with me and went for Sammy. At the time she was barely 2.

I get up and push Sammy behind me, falling to the ground.

"Please don't hurt her. Beat me, not her. I was the one who disbehaved." I beg.

I can feel the looks from everybody, the shocked, horrified looks.

I'm not actually being hit and somewhere in my mind I know that.

Miki starts breathing heavy and falls to the ground next to me.

I scream a little and crawl away.

Bruce runs up to me while Peter and Tony go to Miki.

Bruce stands in front of me. "Liz, what's wrong?" He asks me.

"Tell Mrs. Neal to hit me not Sammy. It was me, I did something. Whatever it was I did it." I bawl. I faintly can tell that Miki is scrambling away from everyone and screaming.

"Mrs. Neal can't hurt you." Bruce tries to calm. "Everything she did was wrong."

"Maybe she's right. Maybe I am just a freak and a monster. Maybe I'm really a loser with no friends or family." I say crying.

"I need to go back. She was right. I should've just let her kill me when she tried." I say trying to stand up.

Bruce kept me there. "What do you mean when she tried to kill you?" Bruce says heatedly. Bruce is about to lose control.

He clasps his hands on my shoulder as he gets too angry and it starts to hurt.

"No stop, Bruce that hurts." I say. He's losing control.

I try to wrench myself from his grip but he's slipping away from him and turning green.

Some of the others are trying to get him off but he's hurting me and can't stop.

I blow him backwards a little and off of my shoulder and I scrambled back when he let go.

"Stay with them." I say to Sammy as I stand up and rush out of the room. After a minute or two I was normal and fine looking.

I leave the building and ignore the calls I'm getting.

I rush away from the tower. I'm stopped by Mrs. Neal in the road. I try to rush away but she grabs my arm and tugs, twisting it weird.

I go back to her and she starts just slapping me, insulting me, and punching me. I scream out and hope for it all to stop. She beats me until the point where I'm at the brink of death. Then before I know what's happening I'm screaming and awake.

I am laying in bed screaming. We still have another week before Christmas and school got out today.

Miki rushes in the room with Bruce. Sammy wasn't with them.

Bruce comes close and hugs me. I cry and cry but don't go into any details. Turns out Miki had woken up screaming just a couple of minutes earlier.

After awhile I stop crying and lay back down. Bruce sits with me until I fall back asleep and Miki goes back to her room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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