and i think you like me too

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 at some point, jeongguk must've fallen asleep on the couch. he blinks open his eyes to a darker room, the light outside of the band's apartment only just barely starting to dim. namjoon must've not wanted to wake him.

"you're still here?" someone else says, and jeongguk jumps, turning to see yoongi. "everyone else left for the bar down the street."

"wh- oh," jeongguk ends up grating out, his voice low with grogginess. he adjusts to sit up more. "sorry, i didn't- i must've fallen asleep at some point."

"'s cool," yoongi waves his hand. "if you don't have anywhere to be, you can stay."

"oh, no, i don't want to, like, overstay myself or anything." yoongi furrows his brows.

"no, it's fine," he chuckles. "i mean, overstaying would mean, like, you make yourself a home on my couch for a month. you staying overnight or something or even a few extra hours isn't really overstaying." jeongguk adjusts again, uncomfortably. "like... i mean, you don't have to stay, but you can if you want to." yoongi shrugs and jeongguk bites down on his lip.

"um...," he hums. "okay. thank you." yoongi nods and walks off towards the open kitchen, rummaging in some cupboards before getting a box of instant pasta.

"did you eat anything for dinner? it's almost six," yoongi calls back.

"oh- no, it's okay, i'm not hungry," jeongguk assures back, but yoongi turns and eyes him.

"there's enough pastaroni for two people," he explains. "i'm just making the box, so..."

"but i just-"

"no more, please. no more 'but i just'. question one: are you hungry?"

"um..." jeongguk swallows a little. "a little bit."

"great." yoongi gets to making the box of food in the kitchen, humming to himself as jeongguk sits idly on the couch, silent.

"what's- what's the second question?" jeongguk ends up asking. yoongi makes a noise.

"what d'you mean?"

"you said 'question one'. which...usually means there's more questions."

"oh. well, it probably would've been, 'do you like pastaroni?' but everyone likes pastaroni so i answered it for you." there's a pause until yoongi says, "unless you don't. i'm not going to force you to eat." he turns around completely and jeongguk can see he looks a little nervous and embarrassed now. "just, like. i didn't want you to just not eat out of politeness or whatever. if you're seriously not hungry and-or don't like pastaroni, you don't have to eat. or stay here."

the silence continues to stretch on as jeongguk blinks at him before gulping and shaking his head, gathering courage.

"um...," he hums before standing up. yoongi looks a little disappointed until jeongguk walks into the kitchen with him and stands next to the pot where water is beginning to heat up. "well, firstly, i to stay. secondly, i am hungry. and thirdly, i like pastaroni. so. there's all your answers."

yoongi seems a bit taken aback and jeongguk thinks, damn, alright, overstepped some boundaries here. but then yoongi smiles and laughs a little before nodding and going to the fridge, grabbing two sodas and offering one over to jeongguk.

"you're cool," yoongi says offhandedly. "i didn't believe namjoon when he said that he made a cool friend. mostly 'cause his friends are uncool. but you're pretty cool."

jeongguk's face goes red as he opens his soda and sips at it for lack of a response.

in fifteen due minutes of watching yoongi painstakingly prepare pastaroni for them both, jeongguk finally has a bowl of food and a fork in his hands, as does yoongi. they head towards the couch and jeongguk (as discreetly as he can), sits himself respectfully and properly on a single cushion of the couch.

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