panic! in the shower

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yoongi walks out of the bathroom, towel around his waist only, fresh from a shower, singing panic! at the disco as he goes to the kitchen. namjoon brought jungkook over before they all go to the venue for BTSB's performance. jungkook goes red in the face.

"hey, jin," yoongi calls out in the middle of his verse, "could you, for once, put the toilet paper the right way out?"

"backwards is the correct way," seokjin bites back. hoseok snorts and calls out.

"hey, brendon urie," he says across the way from the couch, "we've got a guest, so try saving your naked complaints for later." yoongi turns around and goes a bit pink when he sees jungkook standing there staring at him, and clears his throat before leaving to get dressed, namjoon laughing.

"it's- normally like this?" jungkook dares to ask, and hoseok nods.

"he's an idiot," he says simply and yoongi comes back out, dressed, and goes to flick hoseok on his forehead.

"i heard that, dickweed," he huffs, then turns to jungkook and looks around, unsure, before holding out his hand. "hey. i'm yoongi min." jungkook takes it and says nothing.

"this is jungkook jeon," namjoon provides. "he came to see your performance, but i thought we'd just give him a ride. he's the new guy that works at my bookstore." yoongi breathes in, a little quick, as he lets go of jungkook's hand.

"great, uh, so," he waves his hand around before gesturing to seokjin, "that's jin, he's our drummer. and residential asshole."

"fuck you," seokjin bites back before chuckling. "i'm a worldwide asshole." yoongi rolls his eyes.

"then hoseok," he points to hoseok. "vocals and bassist. and don't be fooled by his hair and his smiles, he's the devil."

"hey!" hoseok frowns, touching his curled blond hair protectively.

"don't worry, we all like it," namjoon assures.

"and then me," yoongi finishes. "lead vocals and guitarist. and sort of piano, but that's, like, from way back when." he huffs. "that's break the sound barrier for you."

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