grand theft autumn (spring back in)/there's my boy tonight

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jeongguk looks around at the fanciness of the restaurant that surrounds him and yoongi before biting down on his lip.

"yoongi...," he says, a little hushed. "whatever you have to tell me, i would've been okay hearing it over somewhere cheaper. you didn't have to pay for all of this-"

"listen, jeongguk," yoongi chuckles. "just don't worry about...the place or the prices. okay? i want you to enjoy yourself."

jeongguk can feel a rising pit of anxiety in his stomach. he knows in his heart that whatever news or information yoongi wants to tell him isn't any kind of bad, mostly due to the fact that yoongi seems a more relaxed type of fidgety, which is something he does when he's more personally nervous. when yoongi has disheartening news, jeongguk can tell by the nervous frown in his eyes and the way he seems to talk slower like he's trying to postpone the inevitable.

no, whatever yoongi has on his mind is something good. and important.

they've been dating for over a year now.

"let's order real quick," yoongi changes the subject, composed. "i know you want some kind of meat thing, so we'll get that to share." jeongguk chuckles.

"oh, min, you know me well," he hums.

"that's why you love me," yoongi shoots back with a grin on his face. jeongguk hums.

they order. they talk like usual. BTSB continues to grow and shape itself. jeongguk's enjoying being the manager still.

"you almost done?" yoongi asks. jeongguk swallows.

"why, did you want the last piece?" he asks, holding out his fork for yoongi to take. "'cause... if not, dibs." yoongi just looks at him and jeongguk laughs nervously. "what?" yoongi casts his gaze down a little and then shakes his head.

"jeongguk...," he begins, and jeongguk feels his heart catch in his throat. his grip on his fork goes white-knuckled. "when... when we met, it never really felt like two halves of a whole. it sort of felt like two figures who...started holding hands and then made a unit." yoongi shifts in his seat. "it's really hard to see life without you nowadays. hard to see anything without you sometimes. i feel...stronger with you, strong when you're away. i want you and i want you to be happy. and i think that we help make a strong...suit. or unit. whatever." jeongguk laughs and yoongi joins.

he looks up into jeongguk's face, his eyes, his mouth. that one little stray hair over his forehead that jeongguk refuses to cut because he likes the way it accentuates. the slight curve of the way he smiles sometimes, just on one side. the way his ear twitches when he stretches his face a little bit.

"i can't...," yoongi breathes in. "i can't really...ask you to be the jim to my pam, or the romeo to my...other romeo. i can't tell you to be the sun to my moon or the stars to my galaxy. and i will tell you why. firstly, we don't really watch the office, so that doesn't apply very well." jeongguk laughs. he feels tears in his eyes. "and romeo and romeo is, first of all inaccurate, and secondly, he died in that play. thirdly, we're...people. and in a literal sense, we can't really be suns, moons, stars, or galaxies. even though you're...the biggest astral significance in my life."

"yoongi...," jeongguk finds himself saying so quietly he doesn't know if he hears it. yoongi stands up.

reaches into his pocket.

"but what i can ask you...," yoongi says as he rounds their table. jeongguk sets his fork down as he turns to face yoongi, who begins to kneel in front of him, "and this is the most accurate i can be while i say this... is if you'll be the jeongguk jeon to my yoongi min. here, in this universe, at this moment. with these...bodies and these minds. our personalities and our pasts and presents and hopefully futures." yoongi takes the ring out from his pocket and holds it up. "uh... my mom gave me this ring a long time ago, because it was hers, which is why it's pink, but, um-"

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2019 ⏰

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