Chapter 12

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"Oh, drop the glum expression," I heard someone say saucily. 

Looking around, I found Jaz leaning against a red sports car. It suited her. She was back to her original look with cascading black hair framing her small face. She was wearing a form-fitting jacket and skinny jeans that molded her figure. 

"Oh, just take a picture already," she snapped. 

Before I could respond, I heard a soft giggle. I peeked around the car.

My sister and my niece were crouched behind the car. "Shh baby, we are going to surprise Uncle Peter," my sister whispered, who hadn't noticed me yet. 

I grinned and took a step forward to grab them into a hug. However, unsure as to whether I would remain in control of myself or whether I would turn into the jester and hurt my family, I froze where I was.

"They really did a number on you, didn't they?," said Jaz quietly. 

"Don't worry. You will not turn into the jester. Now, go to your family," said Jaz gently. 

I looked at her in disbelief. 

Jaz rolled her eyes and said, "Trust me. I'll break your arms and legs before you do anything." 

I cocked my brow at her arrogance. 

Jaz huffed and reluctantly said, "Fine. I have a stun gun too." 

"Damn, I missed a lot. Are you both in a relationship? Communicating without words! Wow, brother. You sure do move fast," said Izzy.

Snorting I ran and hugged my family with all my strength. I broke down into ugly, wracking sobs and fell to my knees. I had not realized how much I was holding back in prison. 

"You didn't do anything wrong. You may have been the jester. But, that was not all you. You were coerced. They haven't absolved you but the court will. I'll make sure of it. I love you, brother. You didn't do anything wrong. You didn't do anything wrong," whispered my sister. 

"What the hell happened then?," I asked. 

How they even understood what I said between my sobs is a mystery. 

"Not now. We only got you out on bail. Let's get some food, rest and then we will discuss," ordered Jaz. 

I protested wanting to know what was going on. The ladies did not have any of it. They declared that I was looking unfit for civilization.

We checked into a hotel and got some food. Before I knew it, I fell into a deep sleep. It was the most peaceful sleep that I had in months. I woke up late afternoon the next day, shocked that I had slept for 16 hours. The girls were nowhere to be found. Peeved at being left alone, I shaved, had a bath and got dressed. 

I came out refreshed only to find more food that the girls had brought. I gorged down the food, only then realizing how terrible the prison food had been.

Fully satisfied and rested, I sat back and looked at them in expectation. I was eager and yet, fearful at the same time as to what they had found out.

Jaz explained what happened and how she found out the truth, "I was suspicious when you said that you had pounding headache and blackouts. There had been rumors of a new drug called Xepholo in South Winterfall. Xepholo makes a person compliant to suggestions. In high doses, the victim does anything he hears. In these cases, the victim doesn't remember anything and is left with a pounding headache. However, this is the best case scenario. Unfortunately, there are quite a few cases where the victims had a strong negative reaction and have died. Xepholo also does not leave any traces in traditional testing. This is why your blood tests were all clear."

Unwilling to accept that I was a victim, I grasped at straws. "Alright, let's assume that I was drugged. How is it that I wasn't clumsy? They weren't any mishaps," I tried to reason. 

Lizzy sighed and said, "You aren't clumsy all the time. You're only clumsy when you are anxious or stressed. Xepholo also acts as a relaxant and therefore, there were no mishaps when you were the jester."

I tried yet another approach and said, "As far as I'm aware this drug hasn't hit the streets in New Rocher. I would have heard about it. South Winterfall is a long way from here." Having mental issues seemed to be preferable. Not really. But you get the idea.

Jaz replied, "Yes, that is why I dressed as a junkie and hit the streets. I found that the drug was indeed on the streets. It has just begun distribution. I returned with proof and with the intention of trying to convince the Chief to look into your case again. The Chief acknowledged my claims but refused to reopen your case. There has been a lot of negative press coverage. He was afraid that reopening your case may increase negative publicity."

I was disillusioned. I had believed that we each had our backs and we stood for truth and justice. 

"I began to read your journal hoping to find a lead that would help me prove that you were drugged. Your clumsiness might have actually saved the day. I found your video camera buried under your laundry. The video recorded you receiving a call and being ordered to go to the chief's house. There was also a recording of the actual culprits removing an old trunk from your apartment. If the video camera had been in plain sight, they would have taken it and we wouldn't have evidence. I went to the Chief again. We pulled the records and found that you had received a call prior to every jester incident. We got hold of the caller and pulled the confession out of him."

Case of The Confounding Jester (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now