Chapter 2

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Jaemins POV

I woke up to a message from Chenle saying his new roommate will be coming this afternoon and asking if the whole of dream will come and have dinner so we can get to know him. I except the offer seeing mark will most likely end up paying. So he can't say not a free meal. They day goes by slowly. All he could think about was what food he will order. Finally he gets a text from Chenle saying the guys name is Jeno and born in 2000 meaning he's my age. It got me excited. I've always felt lonely. There were best fried groups in our one big group. Chenle and Jisung, Mark and Haechan, Renjun and Lucas even though Lucas isn't in dream he's practically living in our dorms. Maybe finally I will have a best friend. Not saying the other members aren't just someone I can connect to and talk about girls with.

It's finally time for the dinner. I lost track of time while getting ready and new I would show up late. I call a cab and go to the restaurant near the dorms. I hope our the cab and pay the guy. I walk through the door and look for my friends. I notice a table staring at me I recognise my friends. My eyes land on someone else at the table. My heart starts to pound out of my chest. "What is this feeling" I think yoo myself before shaking it off. I introduce myself to the new guy."Hey I'm Jaemin, You must be Chenles new roommate." I put my hand out and he pauses for a second before shaking it back." uhh yes I'm Jeno it's nice to meet you Jaemin." He says with a beautiful angelic voice. I take my seat next to him and we order our food. I order a myself a bowl of ramen so does Chenle, Mark and Haechan. The rest order steak. I notice Jenos eyes lit up when he say his steak coming to the table. I giggle a little at how cute he is being.

We enjoy al enjoy our food and just sit in the restaurant for a bit and chat. "I was trying to cook dinner for the dorm but I burnt the food instead"
" mark u didn't just burn the food u also burnt down half our kitchen" Haechan said in a annoyed voice. We all crack up laughing " that's why we don't let mark any where near the kitchen" I said laughing still. I look over to see jeno is still laughing. He's so cute when he laughs. His eyes go so small whenever he smiles or laugh I winder how he sees.

The night went really well. We head back to our dorms and said goodbye we all went to our dorms. "Hey Jeno, tomorrow we will be dancing all day so rest up tonight ok" I said to him then walked back to my dorm .

Jeno POV

Jaemin told me last night today will be tough, so I made I tried to get a good might sleep. I woke up to having a dream about Jaemin. I get ready in grey trickiest and a black oversized shirt. I wake Chenle up. I can tell is one that sleeps in. We head out the door and off the the studio to practice.

We are the first ones to arrive . We put our bags in the corner of the room and Chenle plugs his phone into the speaker. " hey Jeno do u know any Bts dances?"
" ummm yeah I do a few"
"Hmmm let me see do you know the just one day dance?"
" omg yeah I do I love that dance"
Chenle spurs the music on and we start dancing to it. We got to the end of the song and notice everyone else is hear and cheering for us. " Wow Jeno u are so good at dancing" Mark says. " well thank you I try my best". Everyone else tells me how good I am. I feel Like they are my family.

Now I understand why Jaemin said it was gonna be a tough day. Man am I tired and I have todo this 3 times a week. Thank god it's one day after another. " hey guys let's go and get some food" Lucas says. "Omg yes please I'm dieing over here of hunger" I say get a few laughs from my members. We head back to the place we went yesterday. Seeing it's also a cafe & restaurant. " what does everyone want I'll pay again"
"No mark I'll pay, no fighting With me either"I say
" oooo looks like we have another stubborn member mark" Jisung says with a smirk on his face staring at mark.
"Ughhh fin u pay this time but I'll pay next"
"I like this I don't ave to pay and get free food. It's a WinWin situation for me" Jaemin says while dropping into his seat. I go and get everyone there coffees. All have very simple ones except Jaemin having like 50 shots of coffee in one drink. " Hey Jaemin you know it's not really safe having that much coffee right"
"Yeah yeah I know everyone has given me this lecture"
"Ok don't come crying to me in the middle of the night if you can't sleep." Renjun said with an annoyed voice. We continue to talk about Jameson's obsession with coffee until we are interrupted by a tall brown haired boy
" hey guys"
" oh hey Lucas, we were just talking about Jaemins coffee addiction"Renjun says as Lucas sits next to him, nearly practically on him.
"Psst Jeno" Jaemin says
" yes Jaemin"
"If u haven't noticed or Chenle didn't tell you but Renjun and Lucas are dating that's why he's always around the dorm"
"Wait wat omg that's so cute. I ship"
"Ya, what are u to talking about in private over there." Lucas asked with a raised brow
"Jaemin was just informing me about ur relationship . Seeing my dorm mate didn't tell me" I say death starring Chenle. "Anyways how long have u been together, you are so cute omg I can't get over it."
"Umm we got together just over 2 months again."
" awww tats so cute"
"Also guys is it ok if I stay at ur dorm tonight Taeyong kinda kicked me out of mine cause jaehyun is staying there with him"
"Yh that's totally fine but we're will u stay seeing that Jaemin can't stay in Chenles room cause the second bed is taken." Mark asks
"Umm, Hey Jeno and Chenle would u guys mind one of u sharing a bed with Jamin so I can stay in Renjun room"
" and Haechan room" Haechan yells
"Yh I'm fine with sharing mine I don't take up much space" I say without thinking
" yay jeno ur the best" Lucas says pulling me into a bear hug
" no problem"
Not long after Lucas leaves to go and get his things and the rest of us go back to our dorms. I start setting up the room for Jaemin.

Ooo what's gonna happen next;0
See u guys in a few months we I can be bothered to write the next chapter x

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