Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

“So” my dad starts one night over dinner as we sit across the table from one another in pregnant silence “you and Braeden, huh, anything happening there or-”

Putting down my cutlery and staring hard at the grain in the table, I frown slightly before meeting my father’s eyes. “Dad, don’t. It’s seriously not like that between Brae and me, and besides, I’m with Josh.”

My dad grunts in disapproval. Apparently Josh doesn’t get the daddy stamp of approval, but somehow Braeden does. “That slippery little fucker has no respect; he’s a weasel, saying all the right things. But trust me, Keira, he’s not the kind of guy you want to be with. Now Braeden on the other hand is a good-”

“Why the sudden red carpet parade for Braeden, dad?” I ask, thoroughly confused by this change of heart. There was one time when Braeden and his lot were the bane of my father’s existence and he used to come home exhausted from them running him and his officers all over town on wild goose chases.

“He’s sharp, well-mannered and he treats you a hell of a lot better than that Josh character. He’s tough and experienced enough to provide and protect for you; I’m just looking out for your best interests.”

“Jesus Christ, you’re acting like we’re getting fucking married. I’m only eighteen dad; it’s just a bit of harmless high school dating.” Sweeping my chair back, I find I’m suddenly not very hungry and I collect my plate to scoop my food into the bin.

My father huffs in exasperation. “Language, Keira.” He scolds, sending me a sharp gaze. “Now sit back down I haven’t finished talking with you yet.”

Following his instructions – somewhat – I lean back against the sink, fold my arms over my chest and stare at him. “Talk then. But honestly you’re taking this to a place it doesn’t need to be. Braeden will never be interested in me like that anyway; I mean have you seen me compared to him?”

“Don’t be so naïve!” He demands. “The way that lad looks at you reminds me of how I used to look at your mother, it may not be love yet, but I guarantee it’s getting there. Now stop playing dumb and open your eyes.”

With a huff, I grab a can of soda from the fridge. “I’m going to bed.”

“It’s only seven o’clock.”

Jesus, take a hint dad. “Early night.” I scowl and stomp up to my room, barely stopping myself from throwing my door closed in a rage as I throw myself onto my bed face first and growl in exasperation.

“What climbed up your ass hole?” A low chuckle from the corner of the room startles me, and I instantly recognise the voice.

Turning over on the bed slowly, I frown at Braeden as he drapes his long body out over my computer chair. “How did you get in here?” Assessing the room, I do a double take when I see my window pushed wide open. Speechless, I gawp like a fish for a couple of seconds. There is no way in hell Braeden climbed up that tree and through…  “Did you come through the window? What the hell Braeden!?!”

He holds his hands up in innocence whilst his eyes slowly take in my room as if for the first time. “It’s not like I ain’t done it before. And besides, I needed to talk to you and you weren’t picking up your phone.”

“I don’t have a phone.” I respond sardonically.

“Exactly. We really need to get you a phone, Kee.” Braeden smarts me back before crossing the room in two graceful strides and dropping down next to me on the bed. We sit there in silence for a couple of moments until Braeden takes my hand and drags it onto his lap. “I just. I wanted to ask you something.”

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