Chapter 17

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This chapter is shorter than I wanted it to be, but I like where it ended! Let me know what you guys think. Thanks for reading!


"You can't just keep going back and forth, Tony," Fran sniffled. She hurriedly tried to swipe the tears off of her face.

"I'm not going back, Fran. Ever. This is it," her husband promised. Fran sniffled again.

"How do I know you're not going to change your mind? Everything is changing for me, Tony, I need stability. You've given me anything but stability." She was stating the facts. Was she going to let him in again?

Who was she kidding? She'd have to had to let him go for her to let him in again. She swallowed.

"Let's talk somewhere else," she suggested. Her bottom was starting to go numb. Tony nodded in agreement and stood with her still in his arms. She began to squirm until he tightened his grip, suggesting he wasn't letting her down anytime soon. When they entered their bedroom, she could feel practically every muscle in Tony's body tense.

Her suitcase was still on the bed.

Tony sat down on the bed, facing away from the offending item. She didn't bother trying to squirm out of his grip this time. He sighed and placed his head on top of hers.

"Don't leave," he begged quietly. She only sighed in response.

"I can't promise that, Tony. I'm sorry," Fran apologized. His grip tightened even more and she winced. Finally, a few seconds later, she pulled out of his grip.

"Fran, I've thought about it...what I did to you," Tony started. It was clear he was nervous. "It's not acceptable and never will be acceptable, but I want you to know that some of it wasn't intentional."

Fran scoffed. Unintentional? He had lied to her so many times, and lying wasn't something one did unintentionally.

"It's true!" Tony insisted. He moved to kneel in front of her and grasped her hands in his. "I lied to you, yes, but I never meant for you to be alone."

Fran's eyes began to water. She felt so, so alone, and though she wasn't sure it was sincere she was grateful for the apology.

"You, Francesca, deserve all the love in the world. The fact that you're only being loved by me is a travesty," he joked, earning a small giggle from Fran. That sound had never sounded so beautiful. "I am truly sorry I'm the reason you're not getting the love you deserve."

The apology was sincere. She felt bad that she'd doubted it.

"You've given me all of the love I'll ever need, Tony. You just need to know how much you've wronged me," Fran whispered. Tony nodded his head rapidly.

"I know, Fran, I really do. I've been thinking about it, and..." he trailed off. Tony gave her hands a quick squeeze. "I don't know how you're still here."

"It's because I love you, Tony. I was willing to look past the fact that you've lied to me since we met, yet you pushed me away," Fran tried and failed to keep the tears at bay.

"I'm sorry, baby, I'm so, so sorry. I will never be able to forgive myself for what I've done to you, but that doesn't matter," he took a breath, "what matters is you. Your forgiveness, should you choose to give it to me later."

"Later?" Fran questioned.

Tony smiled. "I'll do whatever it takes to get your forgiveness, Fran, If you'll let me, that is." Fran looked to her suitcase, causing Tony to tense again. She sighed.

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