A Fiery Night

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     The fire was warming and added much needed light to the inked black night.  The fire seemed to dance from one side to another as I watched it.  I could feel the tension grow as I sat there staring at the dancing fire. 

     "Guys, I'm sorry, I have to go home.  "I told think shattering the silence.  "You can't.  You don't understand what that could do to us, to the world.  "Aspen yelled worried.  It seemed so strange, I was so committed to this when I started, but now I just wanted to go home. 

     "Get somebody else to do it who is older and has the time.  "I replied.  "You don't understand we can't.  We can only do it once!"  Aspen explained.  "What do you mean?  You could only bring one human here ever?  "I asked him.  "It's not as easy as just sending you guys back and forth.  "Cyrus added.  "We only have a certain amount of energy and we need to save it for the monster causing this destruction.  "

"So you guys chose me out of all the humans in the entire world.  "I asked sarcastically.  "You don't have to be so self centered.  It was just a matter of chance.  We sensed a human over the gate to our world.  So we opened it.  If we were to send you back now we would loose the fight.  And if we were to get another person it would be too late.  For now the only way we can do this is if you lead us.  "Erebos explained. 

     "Do I not get a say in this?  " I asked annoyed at how much pressure they were putting one me.  I just met them a few hours ago.  "We figured any human would help save there world.  If they were given the chance."  Athena added sweetly.  "Don't fall for that Athena.  Why would she want to help us.  All humans are doing now a days is just destroy the world we're out her fighting with our lives to protect.  "Pele snapped. 

     "Not all humans are like that.  "Cyrus defended.  "But the majority are!  Especially now you know this!  You and Erebos watch them every day and night and you mean to tell me you don't see the horrible things they do to us!  To each other!  Athena is the sickest she had ever been and Aspen is loosing power daily!  So stop try and defeat humans like that!"  Pele argued.

     "I do.  I watch them every day.  I see some of the worst things you can imagine.  But I also see the love and happiness humans possess.  Humans are just like us but without abilities."  Cyrus explained.  "Really, cause to me it doesn't seem like we're destroying the world."  Pele snapped back.  They continued to go back and forth like this. 

     "Stop it!  " I yelled.  They both stopped in surprise and turned to me.  "I never asked to do this.  I never wanted to help you guys.  I want the world to live though.  So I guess I'll have to deal with you guys.  Stop fighting and save your energy for the fight.  "I retorted as I kinda regretted agreeing to stay and help. 

     Athena sighed with relief as they both calmed down.  She looked over to me a mouthed thank you.  "Hey.  "Aspen grabbed my attention.  He threw me an apple.  "Glad to have you.  "He told me.  Erebos who was on the ground leaning against a log nodded in approval. 

     He looked up at Cyrus.  "What?  "She asked.  He smiled.  "You know what.  "He replied.  "Oh no please not now.  "She grounded. He turned to Noelani. She started to clap a steady beat. "What's going on? "I asked Athena. "Our only form of entertainment. "She replied. Aspen started singing. "Kumbaya my lord, Kumbaya."

I started to laugh a little. They all jointed in. Cyrus shook her head. "It's kinda getting old guys. "She told them. They just continued not caring. She finally gave in and started to sing along. They all sounded wonder even singing this cheesy little car song. There voices blended together in perfect harmony.

After a while of listening to them sing I went to bed in the little tent they made. I felt conflicted. I didn't really want to do this, but now I really didn't have a choice. Who knows, maybe it won't be as bad as I thought.

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