The Battle of the Lake

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     My heart was pounding.  I could feel everything slow down as I tried to think about what I could do.  This only made things worse though since it felt like an eternity until we got there.  We finally did and I was still clueless about what I should do.  I felt helpless as Athena was fighting for her life. 

     The guardians looked over and saw the giant squid in the water.  They looked shook for a second, but then went back to a straight face.  It looked like they were prepared for this, or have at least done it before.  They looked ready for anything.  Unlike me when just the thought of what could happen made a shiver go down my spin. 

     Noelani jumped in front of us and brought up a heavy fog.  It was so thick you could barely see your hand in front of your face.  I could still see everyone's glow so I knew where and who everyone was.  Cyrus turned to the other guardians.  "Noelani will keep the fog up.  Aspen you get some vines to get Athena up.  Erebos, Pele, and I will take care of the monster.  If Aspen has some trouble Erebos you help him."  Cyrus ordered. 

     They all jumped into action.  Aspen ran towards the forest and quickly motioned for vines.  They sprung out of the ground and rushed into the water.  They kept diving deeper and deeper into the water.  They were searching for Athena. 

     Pele jumped up on a median level branch on a tree and held out her hand.  Immediately scorching flames blasted out of her hands onto the squid.  It screamed in pain.  She jumped down on lower ground and blasted it again with more force. 

     Erebos positioned his hands like he was holding something in front of him.  As he did a sparkling bow appeared in his hands.  Then he pulled it back an arrow formed entwined with his fingers.  He let it go and it pierced the one giant eye the squid had.  It screamed louder. 

     It raised up four of it tentacles and threw them down at Erebos.  Cyrus jumped in front of him and made her hands into a circle.  She held it up and blinding light came shooting out at the tentacles.  The monster used its other two tentacles to try and drag Pele under, but Cyrus put out both of her hands and blasted from both palms. 

     What should I do?  I thought.  Was I really going to let them do all the work.  I was the one who was there, I was the one who told them, I should be the one to help.  I ran over to Aspen. 

     "Do you almost go her?"  I asked him worried.  He didn't take his eyes off guiding the vines.  "It's a very deep and big lake.  But I will find her."  Aspen ensured me out of breath.  "I have to find her."  He repeated to himself. 

     "Cyrus look out!"  Pele yelled as one of the tentacles roped around Cyrus's leg.  It started to slowly drag her with the little Energy it had left.  Erebos rushes over and shot the tentacle three times to let her go.  The squid let out a deafening scream and let her go.  Erebos pulled her to her feet and they rushed over to Pele's side. 

     I looked over at Aspen not knowing what to do or how to respond.  I saw his stressed, worried face.  Then, it suddenly morphed into surprise.  "I got her!"  He yelled.  Cyrus let out a sigh and nodded.  The fog started to rise.  "Now!"  Cyrus yelled.  They all, included Aspen,  jumped up and attacked one last time.  

     The Squid let out one final scream, then fell into the water. 

     Aspen rushed over and waved his hands to let Athena out of the water.  The vines bursted threw the water with Athena in there grasp.  He sat her down gently as she started violently coughing.  I rushed over to see if she was ok. 

     She coughed up mouth fulls of water, but she was breathing.  I felt myself relax.  I looked over at the others, and noticed Pele giving me a death stare. 

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