Paris part 2!

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*before Sarry's date*

Katharine's POV:

I dragged Liam and Niall to the door and when we got out Liam intertwined our fingers and we all ran towards the car and got in safe. Niall only lost his snapback, but he had another that looked ecactly the same in the car, luckily for him, haha!

It was so awesome being with Nialler and Leeyum again! I've missed them so much and now they had planned something and I'm so exited!

"So where are we going" I asked my lovely boyfriend as we sat in the car.

"It's a surprize" he smiled

"NOOO! I hate surprises" I moaned

"you're gonna love this one" Niall smiled and looked in the mirror so he could see us.

"Okey, if you say so" I smiled, I laid my head on Liam's shoulder and looked at his phone, he was tweeting something. "Hey! Don't look at my phone" he said and dragged it away. "Sorry... bad habbit" I exused. "It's alright babe, you can see if you want, it's not something to worry about" he smiled and we sat in the same posiston again<3 He tweeted: Sitting in a car with the world's most beautiful girl and a wired, blonde haired and Irish driver XD I love you @Kat_Directioner (A/N: I know it's not your right Twitter name, I just found up something, hope it's alright for you babe)

"Aww babe" I smiled at Liam and kissed his cheek. "I'ts the truth beautiful, now let's go to Snapchat and Instagram" he winked. "If I'm too heavy for your shoulder just tell, you don't have to say things like that to get me up" I said. "No no pretty face, you're lighter than a feather! C'mon take a selfie with me!" he replied. We took a couple selfies, we sent a snap to Josh saying: Hey Josh! Look who says hi x :) He took a screenshot Xp And sent a picture back of him and his bestfriend saying: Hii x XD

We took a screenshot too XD haha, they looked pretty funny on the picture, we laughed of it. "The worst thing about driving..." Niall mumbeled. "We can show you when we get to... whereever we are going" I smiled to him. "The best thing of having my bestie here" Niall then smiled. We laughed a little of it. We finally came there! OMG! It's the Eiffel Tower! "wow" I exclaimed, "yup, here we are" Niall said and parked the car. "it's huge" Liam exclaimed, "It's a beautiful master piece" I said, "not as beautiful as you" Liam said and made me blush. "Oh, Ann-Chi is calling, you two can go while I'm on the phone and then I'll come after you, okey?" Niall said. "okey" me and Liam smiled.

Liam's POV:

We finally arrived in front of the Eiffel Tower and Ann-Chi called Niall so he had to go so me and Kat could be alone... Me, Ann-Chi & Nialler had planned this, I have the best friends ever!

"Should we go baby?" I asked Kat. "Say hi from me Nialler and don't let it get too deep over the phone love-birds!" she screamed after Niall, hahaha. "Oh of course babe" she smiled, we intertwined our fingers, smiled at each other and started walking. I had planned that we was going from the Eiffel Tower and to a restaurant nearby, it's not the fancy one, Niall told me that Kat dosen't like to go to places like that because she dosen't feel so confy around all the fancy people, so I decided we could go to a Pizza place instead and share a pizza, then walk to the Eiffel tower again, but go to the top when we come back and have a little romantic moment up there<3

"It's pretty quiet today" Kat said as we walked down the street. "yeah, It's quiet without the others and I bet all the fans are at home watching MTV because our last concert got filmed and they are going to show it on TV today" I said, "ok" she smiled. "your smile is beautiful" I smiled. "thanks, your smile is perfect" she said without thinking and when she relized what she just said she covered her mouth. "did I just say what I think I said?" she asked while covering her mouth. "yes you did" I chuckled, "sorry, I didn't mean to... or I mean it... but I wasn't supposed to... but I'm a Directioner so, what can you exccept...ehm.. of course you knew...i think it's wired I haven't fangirled over you and me yet... that was wrong... I have of course fangirled over this... but not in front of you.. and... and..." she started, I kissed her, not only because she talked very much and fast, but mostly because her lips is so perfect and she's so perfect so I didn't know how else to react. "that was a very good way to tell me to shut up..." she grinned. "It sounded like you was going out of air" I smiled. We laughed a little and talked a little. "Leeyum, can I ask you something?" she asked, "ask me anything" I smiled, "you know you said to the papparazzi that you've had a crush on me for a while... was that a joke or was it true and if it's true from when?" she asked with a questioning look. "It's true baby and I've had a crush on you since the first day I saw you, you know when you met us when we was at Niall's, I just didn't know myself, but I really understood it when I saw you again after One Mix's rehearshal you know" I answered, "wow, but how did you find out you loved Sophia?" she asked then, "well she is pretty you know and when I first met her I think she was great and then I didn't see her in a long time and when I saw her again I just looked into her eyes and I thought it was love at first sight so I asked her out and she said yes and we had a very great evening, so I asked her to be my girlfriend after some dates" I told her. "oh" she replied "so how did you fall in llove with me sweetie?" I asked "well it was love at first sight you know and I became a Directioner and when people asked who my fav was I always answered you or Niall because he is my bestfriend, but mostly you and Niall told me so much about you and the other boys so I fell in love with how you was or are and then I heard about the one kidney thing and that you was born dead and luckily they saved you, then you became my hero and I've always been your lover, but I have never hated any of your girlfriends you know" she smiled, "wow!" I said and then we talked and laughed a bit more, then we finally came to the pizza place. We ordered our pizza and after 10 minutes, Niall came too and we all three shared a pizza!

*while eating*

"so how was your walk here?" Niall asked, " It was nice and funny" Kat giggeled, "It's the best walk I've ever been on" I smiled, "Leeyum Cheesy Payno" Niall ann Kat laughed, "what did you and your princess talk about?" Kat asked, Niall blushed, " Aww it's Nialler the Blush Horano" Kat and I chuckled. That made him blush even more, he was a tomato. "c'mon Nialler, tell us now" Kat said leaning closer to Niall to make him speak, "ok, ok we talked about that they was watching MTV and saw the concert, you know and she said that she is proud of me and I said that I was proud of her too, then Vidhi told me that my princess didn't take her eyes from the screen and hushed on everything that made a noise and that she had a fangirl attack and said like: That's my boyfriend! OMG! That's MY BOYfriend! My HERO! She told me that was true and many other cute stuff you know" he told while blushing "aww" we said, "well, should we go?" Niall said, me and Niall shared paying and then we went back to the Eiffel Tower. "I'm just going to get something in the car" Niall said and ran to the car while me and Kat intertwined our hands and started the journey up the tower.

Katharine's POV:

Niall was always doing something when we was going to walk, I wonder why? It was actually a little nice anyway, because me and Liam got some time alone and we hadn't been so very much alone before. Right now we stood at the top of the Eiffel Tower and staring at the stars. It was nice, suddenly Liam let go of my hand and took his arm around my waist instead<3 I felt Liam was looking at me and he was.. I spotted him in the corner of my eye, I turned to face him. "what are you staring at?" I asked with a little giggle, "I'm looking at my beautiful girlfriend" he answered and that made me blush, "Awww Liam, you are so good at making me blush" I smiled, "thanks" he smiled. Just like that, without saying anything, we both leaned in and kissed, a long and passionate kiss, I felt fireworks in my stomach and warmth, I feel so safe in Liam's arms, I mean my Liam's arms, I'm so happy! And only Liam James Payne can make me feel like this, I love him! After the kiss we pulled away but just so his forehead was against mine, it was cute because he had to bow his head down to get my level<3 "your eyes is shining like the sky tonight" Liam whisphered softly, " when I look into your eyes, I feel this amazing feeling that only you can make me feel" I whisphered back "when we kiss I get a feeling like that" he whisphered with a smile, "same here" I smiled back. Then we kissed again... It was magical and if that wasn't enough, Niall came and played on his guitar, "I know this song dosen't fit our relationship right now, but some parts of it does" Liam smiled and he started to sing Half a Heart to me, I started to cry a little, thank God for waterproof mascara!

When the song was over he gave me a little blue box...

"Liam...Niall...this is so... so... amazing!" I stuttered with tears in my eyes and a smile on my face. "Only the best for my bestfriend" Niall smiled, "and only the best for my one and only" Liam smiled, " I love you both so much" I smiled still, "we love you too, but I'm going now, I have something I have to do for Sarry, see you soon, have a romantic moment" Niall said and left.

"here" Liam smiled and gave me the blue box, I opened it.... OMG! It was a necklace of a heart that you could open and inside there was a picture of me and Liam, the day the boys was leaving for their tour, at the airpost when me and Liam kissed<3 Aww<3 In the other side of the heart when you opened it it was written, I'll love you forever and always Katharine xxx Liam

"omg! Liam! You are the best boyfriend ever and I'll love you forever too" I smiled, he helped me putting it on, the we kissed again, "I LOVE YOU KATHARINE, MY BEAUTIFUL, FOREVER AND ALWAYS" Liam screamed out in the night sky, "I LOVE YOU TOO LIAM, MY HERO FOREVER AND ALWAYS TOO" I screamed in repeat, "OKEY OKEY LOVE BIRDS WE GET IT!" omg! It was Mikey screaming from the ground and up to us, he stood there with a girl in his arms and it wasn't Kajal and he didn't try to kill her he has maybe found someone ;), we laughed and after that we went around the corner, there stood Harry, Siddhi, Niall, a friend of Harry and now us too, Sarry kissed and I just had to take a picture of that, so cute<3 When they was done, we all said Happy Birthday! to Siddhi.


Sorry if this was crap... I tried to make it a little romantic, but I'm not the best... thank you to everyone who reads! The next part is about Mikey and how he found the girl he was holding!

Thank you for over 300 reads! Love you x


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