Ninchi's confirm!

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(Made the wdit a long time ago, like it?)
Liam's POV:
we're in Spain today and it's 2 days since Mia joined us. Ann-Chi, Kai and Vids was coming to our concert tonight since they had a day off. And I was the only one knowing😉 Ann Charlotte and Niall was going to tell the world about them today and I have a good feeling that most of the fans will take it in a good way as they did with Kat, Mia, Vidhi and Kaira😋
"hey Boo Turtle! Are you ready to go pick up Boo Kitten and the girls at the airport?" Louis asked, he and Ann-Chi are using the Boo names ALL the time, it's a little cute, but annoying at times...
"READY!" Kat screams and run towards Louis from the bathroom, she almost tripped, "I'm ready too" I chuckled and get up from the couch. "Were's El?" Kat asked Louis, "she's waiting downstairs with Paul" Louis answered with a smile, Kat was quick with her purple vans and black leather jacket with grey hood and ran down to El and Paul, it's funny how we all use vans nowadays😄 I wear white and Louis wears black today😉
When we got down to the lobby Kat ran towards El, "Boo Bunny!" Kat exclaimed "Boo Katgaroo!" El replied in the same way as they hugged.
"So, are you guys coming?" Paul asked
"Coming!" We all smiled and ran out to the car so we could go pick up One Mix!!
"Do the others know we're going to the airport to get the girls?" Eleanor asked
"Nope! They don't even know we're gone" Louis answered his girlfriend, El nodded and giggled
"We should've said something, think about how worried they get" my lovely girlfriend said,
"If we're quick at the airport they won't even know we left" I replied "and if there are anything they'll call" I added and she nodded

We finally arrived at the airport after half an hour.

We waited... And waited...
"The flight from Paris, France is 10 minutes delayed" a voice said and all of us groaned. After 10 minutes we saw them go out from the plane and the girls screamed!
"Stop it girls! our ears doesn't handle all the screaming!" Louis complained, "Girls! Shh! Calm down, they're our friends, it's alright" I said and tried to calm them down so no other fan girls came
One Mix came and they all had onesies on😄 Kat and El screamed again and ran towards them, it looked like they hadn't seen each other in years and they were sisters or something!
"Boo Bun! Boo Katgaroo!" Ann-Chi smiled as they greeted each other and made a huge group hug!
"Boo Kitty!" Louis smiled and ran towards Ann-Chi with his arms wide open "Boo Bear!" She exclaimed and did the same thing, "I've missed you big bro" she smiled, Louis was like an older brother for her, actually everyone of us was pretty protective and brotherish to her, like how can you not? Except for Niall of course he treats her like a princess, a baby and his girlfriend❤️
"I've missed you too Baby Sis" Louis said exactly like he says to his actual sisters. Haha!
"Louis!" Kaira smiled and ran over to him, "Boo Puppy" he smiled "Tommo!" Vidhi said and hugged him too, "Boo Penguin" he said, then they all looked over at me standing alone
"Everyone on Leeyum!" Ann-Chi yelled uh oh...
"Boo Turtle!" They all said pretty loud and ran towards me and tackled me with a group hug, aww
"I've missed you ladies, and thanks for this warm group hug but I think you are all squashing the life out of me" I said and they all pulled away, "sorry Liam, we're just so happy to see you and you looked so sad standing there alone" Vidhi smiled
"So what's up? Have we missed something lately?" Kaira asked
"Mia, Michael's girlfriend has joined us on tour, we all miss you, but other then that there's nothing new" I replied
"So Mikey and Mia is really together?" Ann-Chi asked, she actually sounded a little sad,
"Yeah! Isn't that great?" Louis smiled and Ann-Chi lit up,
"Of course!" she replied

"It's pretty awesome that she joins you guys!" Vidhi smiled
"I know! And the funniest thing is that we can tease them both" Louis grinned
"Louis! We should get a Boo name for her!" Ann smiled
"We should get one for each in 5sos..." Louis suggested and Ann smiled in response
"Guys... Luke and Calum has boo names, remember?" I said, "oh yeah we chose Monkey for Luke and Shimp for Calum since they ate a banana exactly the same way yesterday and they always tease Miael as if they were them" Louis explained, Vidhi laughed a bit of her bf
"Ashton should be panda" Ann-Chi grinned
"Why?" Louis asked confused
"Because Kai loves pandas it's one of her fav animals" she smirked while looking over at her blushing friend Kaira, "it's true" she smiled
"Alright, who's next?" Louis asked
"Miael" El reminded him
"They should have a couple thing like Sarry" Vidhi smiled
"Like Chick and chicken?" Ann-Chi asked, "yeah" Louis said thinking
"Or else we should have Michael as Pony cause of my little pony" Ann Chi smiled "and cause you call him PunkiePie all the time" Kai smirked and made Ann-Chi blush a little bit
"Why?" I asked
"Because one of the ponies in my little pony is named pinkie pie and since 5sos are 'punk rock', I call him PunkiePie" she explained
"Okey, so we ask Michael which he want... God we should make a list" Louis said and we all laughed a little
"We have time after the concert" Ann-Chi smiled
"Why not when we get back to the hotel?" Louis asked
"Because I need to see my Boo Birdy!" she said in a little babyish voice and smiled
"Aww Boo Kitty" we all smiled
We drove to the hotel and knocked on Niall's hotel door but no one opened, we went to Ashton's room and nobody were there... The we went to Miael's room since I knew Luke were there to watch a movie with the couple
I sat on the couch watching 'happy feet' with Miael...
It knocked on the door and since cheesy and cheesier were all snuggled up in the bed, I went to open
My eyes got wide when I saw who it was! "Am I dreaming?" I asked shocked
"No, why should you?" she asked
"Because I-I thought you were in Paris" I stuttered and looked at her, she was dressed in her onesie and a messy bun without make-up, my favourite style for her to wear actually😊
"It's our 2nd day off, and we were so tired of missing you guys so we took a plane here to surprise you" she smiled
"Prove it!" I said, "what?" She asked, "prove me that this isn't a dream" I smiled "he wants you to kiss him, to prove that you're really here" Ann-Chi whispered, she nodded lightly and captured her lips with mine, the others sheered a little
"Well that's something I've dreamt of for a long time" I smirked "same here Lukey" she ginned

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