49-Love letters

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No ones POV

It's only been a few days, yet the males were sending letters back and forth to each other. Sometimes Deku would stand amongst balcony to await the white feathered Dove barring the message of his abrasive lover. Izuku didn't quite like reading Kacchan's letters in public. For Bakugo wrote of his lucid imagination of what it'll be like when he visits and 'Fucks the shit out of Deku'.

Izuku would normally go in his giant room that he's now growing accustomed to, it was very different from living in the much smaller room of a cave.More spacious, yet lonely. The ceiling was 10 feet high, while having emerald draped curtains. His sheets made of silk and his night stands golden with green emerald crescent gems as knobs. He'd read Kacchan's letters there as soon as he received them.

He couldn't have been more ecstatic when the white dove fly to the balcony with a small scroll wrapped around his claw. Izuku release the letter placing a small plate of bird seed for the bird to consume, to give him strength for his next journey. Deku ran to his private quarters to read the love letter. He sat down on his bed and began to read.

Dear; husband, mate, and lover, Deku

I find it hard to keep my compulsory at bay, for every time I think about your freckles scattered like stars or your smiling face. My lower regions begin to yearn for your embrace. For when our paths collide again I wish to empale you, linking our naked bodies into one as I proceed to taste you and hear your cries of pleasure with every thrust of love and pound of lust. For these feelings can only be contained for so long, for my room gets lonely with out you. my muscular hand could never amount to your soft lips creating friction around my cock~ I pray our eyes and bodies link together once more.


Wow.... You'd never expect these poetic words to be written by a werewolf, King Explosion murder no less. Deku could feel his juices swish and his lower abdomen quiver for the satisfaction of his lover. Deku's boner was getting quite hard for him to ignore. He reached under his pants and began stroking his own member becoming horny with each jack. He started reminiscing in memories of Kacchan his muscular body, his flamboyant hair, and his rough hands yet soft plush lips. All the things Deku lusted for at the moment pumping his own member furiously until

"Izuku?" "AHHHHH!!!!" A knock startled the young boy, making him fall off the bed. It was one of the house maids. Deku hit the floor, the impact wasn't to major but Deku couldn't risk killing the baby. He couldn't even imagine how shattered Kacchan's heart would be. "Come in..." Izuku groaned in slight pain as he got up and opened the door "Your mother would like to talk with you over dinner."

It had been quite early in the day so Deku wondered why they were eating so early? Izuku tilled his head in confusion and curiosity, this was obviously noticed by the maid and she quickly responded " Oh you must have dinner early since it's blood month. The queen would hate for you to see her in such a......Odd state."

Izuku finally understood and followed the maid down stairs. "Izuku I'm so happy I can have dinner with you again." Inko clasped her hands in happiness. Izuku smiled "Me too!". "So are you planning any events this up coming blood moon!?" Deku's face became distorted,almost disgusting. "Umm no I'm married." Inko almost spit out her drink, but instead resorted to slightly choking and forcing down her throat. "Your m-married to.....him." Deku chuckled at his mother concern "If by him you mean Kacchan then yes!" Deku smiled happily while eating his food.

There was a long pause of silence but The Queen finally began to speak "Are you sure your not rushing things?" Deku simply shook his head in disagreement "He's better then your first choice." "Oh so that you remember..." Izuku looked up at His mother's shady comment "Do you not like Kacchan?" Deku's eyes widened. He spoke in a slow soft tone. "Izuku, Pure bloods are quiet peaceful people, King explosion murder is not." Queen Inko spoke in a snooty tone, and Deku began to grow slightly offensive "He's learning and maybe you should be more open to new things." Izuku suggested.

"Perhaps.....Are you gaining weight?" Inko looked over the table to see Deku's expanded stomach. Not big enough to be considered a baby belly but most definitely recognizable. "NO HOW MEAN!!!" Deku squealed, he knew he was but it still felt embarrassed telling his mother. Especially since she just expressed to him how she feels about Kacchan .

"Ahh...I remember your first blood moon, you were so beautiful! And your boyfriend had such a great time!" His mother giggles and Izuku's brain ached slightly as he remembered the charming young Ogre who took his virginity. Huh so Kacchan wasn't his first time. That totally clears up a lot of  stuff from past chapters and the author definitely didn't forget important factor that virgins feel pain when going through intercourse! Gosh the authors so smart.

(Later at the Werewolf Cave)

Kacchan was truly in rage that his mate wasn't with him, but that was now out of his control and what dose an alpha do when angry, he fights! "Bakugo please I'm gonna die!" Denki cried on the floor as he begged for mercy. He was currently Kacchan's sparing partner. Kirishima got a freebie because he's been away from his mate for so long. That he had to give her the rock hard D as soon as he arrived.

"Stop being a Pussy!" Bakugo yelled sparking his hands. Denki proceeds to get into a feetal position bracing himself for his unfortunate end. But Bakugo stopped once his ear began to twitch. He heard a dove hoofing in the distance and ran towards the bird sounds. Bakugo spotted the Dove rest on a rock, it seemed to grow fatter from the last time he sent to Deku "God your fucking plump!" Kacchan mummers under his breath restraining himself from eating the bird due to it being the only source of communication for him and Deku.

Dear, Kacchan

Your last letter sent chills down my spine! And I couldn't reframe from touching myself in thoughts of you in mind. I know it sounds pretty dirty but I trust you with eve the most embarrassing of things. I found out my mother doesn't think to fondly of you. But I told her to have an open mind. You should visit me in three days time that will be the blood moon celebration. I want us to spend it together so your letters' request can be a imprinted reality~

from your lover, mate,husband, and also from your soon to be baby, Deku and King explosion murder Jr.

God Kacchan hoped that Deku isn't making their first born that. But despite that he chuckled at his Mates letter. And 3 days wasn't to insufferable he would wait it out for his lover. Because Deku is certainly worth waiting for.

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