Part 55-'When in Rome....' (4/5)

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⚠️WARNING-Molestation, Abuse⚠️

When in Rome....we feel....


Bakugo and Kirishima got up early in the morning while their mates were sleeping and the sun had yet shined over the horizon. They saw it, the palace, it was made of cobblestone with Life like gargoyles peering down at the cliff. They hid between the trees of the forest they decided that they should transform although they were hesitant they didn't want to bear the pain of transformation. "I'll go first..." Bakugo volunteered. He squinted his eyes while clenching his teeth bracing himself for the impact that was awaiting for him. 

Surprisingly, transforming didn't hurt as bad as he imagined it would. It had become easier his body probably adapted quicker so to the serum he consumed. "ITS FINE.."  Bakugo gave the clear and Kirishima transformed. soon after they walked up the tall cliff getting closer to their final destination. The plan was for them to earn the Kong's trust and kill him in his sleep. Although, Kacchan would have preferred fighting him and destroying his empire, burning his ashes and keeping his mask and thrown as souvenirs. But even with his new found form he knew deep down he wasn't strong enough to defeat the Monster King.

The minute they enter the castle gates, their eyes had been ambush with things of the unknown the beautiful and scary monsters of all kinds, either perched upon the staggered cavern was or crawling across the pebbled floor. They only noticed a handful of monsters like goblins and serpents, vampires hiding in the shadows, and Ogres with limbs connected to more limbs. Bakugo shivered at the sight of all these freaks though he was in no position to judge them he looked like road kill.

And then there were the...Others the ghouls,greifers, Banshies, hobbits, the cackilers, rabie-infested el chupacabras , seven eyed freaks, and the top of Icing Dragons. Dragons in this world were known to be mindless beast that can only be trained by 'blood training' A process were you sync your blood with the Dragons' in order to keep them at bay. And the fact that they were flying above instead of eating the monsters below terrified the two wolves more.

"HALT!" Already? Bakugo thought as he was and Kirishima were circled with spears pointing to them in the center. Kacchan snickered, "GET BACK NOW!" Kacchan's voice shook the caverns grabbing every beast's attention. The guards backed down, they didn't want to but whenever Bakugo spoke it was a Mighty force of power only a true Alpha can express. "THE VISITORS JUST KEEP COMING DONT THEY!" A raspy voice came in laughing harshly while menacingly clapping. Bakugo had been scared by this new face. He wore a ripped black clothing, bandages wrapped around his arms and legs, to Bakugo and Kirishima he smelled like rotten flesh, but when Bakugo looked closer he realized it was his scarf and mask... there were specks of white. But once he realized that those white specks were just untainted pieces of fabric..... It had been drenched in blood....

Bakugo's POV

This dude was straight up Batshit CRAZY....I like it! I walked up to him with a wide grin on both of our faces. "Do you know where the Monster King is?" I asked, easing my demeanor "What what business do you have with the king?" He asked, he must have connections "Oh we wanted to ask to stay here we're travelers and it's not exactly easy to go unnoticed when look like this." Kirishima budded in causing everyone to laugh. "Well the King Thinks that's a great idea!" Ohh....He's the king...the one who killed my parents!

"KACCHAN!!! Maybe we should go and get our stuff from our last camp sight!" Kiri pounced in front of me, I think he could tell I was about to attack him but that wouldn't be a very smart idea since his entire monster army had been there. "Please make it quick I can't wait for your return we should brawl!!" "Now your speaking my language!!!" I yelled with excitement now. I can see what I'm working with when I kill him.

"Why'd you call me Kacchan you want a death wish or something!" I growled at Kirishima. Only Deku can call me that! "I don't want them knowing your real name they could know you! You did slay the vampire king!" Kiri pointed out yeah maybe I should be known as the King slayer! That sounds FUCKING GREAT!!! I heard rustling and then I howled Mina should have heard it.

Deku's POV

Me and Mina were laughing and talking, but then we heard a loud howl which seemed to make Mina's face turn completely blank,she flinched her ear and then she told me to stay in the tent. So I did! After a few minutes i realized someone had walked in..."KAC-!!!" I stopped in my tracks and saw some big scary blonde haired werewolf but he was super scary fear swelled up inside of me causing a blood curtailing scream to erupt "SHUT UP!" I quiet screaming. The base in voice was so demanding kinda like-"Kacchan?" "Ye-ah" When he changed it looked so morbidly wrong but I was super glad to see his face! "Mina said to stay here. Do you know what that howling was?"I questioned "It was me I didn't know if we were being followed so I told her to keep a lookout." He seemed aggravated. "You ok Kacchan?" I tired to hugged him but he pushed me away....hard and I fell down "FUCK DEKU CAN I GET A BREATHER!!!" He's never yelled at me like that before. Like he didn't care but he told me it was the serum "I'm sorry Kacchan..." I spoke quietly when I tried to get up I noticed I scraped my shoulder.

Kacchan began sniffing around he must have smelt me bleeding. "Deku come. Now." I walked over to him slowly. He placed me on his lap as he licked my arm and began licking the blood away. "Kacchan that tickles!" He didn't listen and he began to kiss my arm and reached my neck. His body was laying on top of mine as he pressed me down on the baby "Kacchan get up please!" I begged and hollered for him to get up "KACCHAN PLEASE THE BABY!" I cried as I tried to push him off squirming my legs around. I kneed him in the stomach and he bit me before releasing me. "FUCK DEKU!!!" Kacchan yelled getting closer to me I was on the floor as he peered over me his eyes glowing red. He wasn't my Kacchan....

"BAKUGO LETS GO!" I heared Kirishima call for him. He huffed before walking out the tent....That wasn't my Kacchan....I felt so Abused and unloved but he told me he loves me so I'll take his word for it. "Hey Deku you ok!" Mina came in and I was so happy to see her. But my almost smile turned back into a frown, her arms had bruises on them..."Mina,are you ok?" I asked placing a hand on her shoulders. "Oh me? yeah!" Her voice sounds happy but her face looked like the it was on the brick of tears. "I-It's just that Kiri has never hit me before...He always so gentle so I didn't understand...I-I thought he loved me...." her tears started flowing down. She placed her head on my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around her. "Don't worry Mina we'll be ok...We'll be ok" Tears filled my eyes as we held each other, before we fell asleep.

Was these the new Kacchan and Kirishima we were going to have to get used to?

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