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Hye-bin:"Don't be nervous,Y/N, it'll be fine"
I nodded and looked in the mirror one last time before leaving.

Hye-bin:"Don't be nervous,Y/N, it'll be fine"I nodded and looked in the mirror one last time before leaving

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The bridesmaids dresses were baby pink since the colour theme for the wedding was pink and white. I grabbed my bouquet of flowers and took a deep breathe.
Mom:"You ready to go?"
I looked at her and nodded. My grandad locked arms with me since I didn't want my dad here after what he said about me and he didn't accept Namjoon. The doors slowly began to open to reveal the chapel and I smiled when I saw him. He was in a black suit and his hair was neatly done slicked to the side, he looked so handsome and beautiful. I looked down as I felt my cheeks beginning to get warmer as I looked at him. Everyone stood up and looked back at me and I smiled. Namjoon's parents and grandparents were here. All of Namjoon's closet friends here but Jin and Yoongi as his best men. My mom, sister and Seoyun were my bridesmaids. My grandma was holding Minwoo who was now 8 months old. I slowly began to walk with my grandad on my arm and the scene was euphoric. I stepped up onto the platform and my grandad let go of my arm. I looked up at Namjoon and he had a wide smile on his face. I smiled back at him and we looked over to the priest.
Priest:"We are here today to lock the love of Kim Namjoon and Choi Y/N. Do you take Choi Y/N as your lawful wedded wife to have and to hold,from this day forward,for better or for worse,for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"
Namjoon's gaze darted to me and I looked at him. He gave me a small smile before saying the words that would pronounce us as a wedded couple.
Namjoon:"I do"
I smiled at him and looked back at the priest.
Priest:"Do you take Kim Namjoon as your lawful wedded husband to have and hold from this day forward for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"
I smiled to Namjoon.
Y/N:"I do"
Priest:"I now present you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride"
Namjoon pulled me closer and connected our lips and although everyone was cheering, the only thing I could hear was our heartbeats moving in sync. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled into the kiss. He pulled away and whispered sweet words into my ear.
Namjoon:"From strangers to friends, from friends to couple, from couple to newly weds, I've met my soulmate, I love you more than words can describe"
I felt tears prick up in my eyes and kissed him once again.
Y/N:"I love you so much"
I looked around us to see everyone with big smiles and happy eyes. I looked at our two little wingless angels and I smiled to them. Seoyun came running up to us and I bent down to pick her up.
Y/N:"Hi beautiful"
Grandma came over to us and passed Min-woo to Namjoon. Now, our family is complete.

Oh my god, cavity! Too sweet 😋 Anyways this is obviously the last chapter 😭😭😭 It was so fun writing this story and you guys are the best readers ever 😘 This is by far my most successful story and it's all thanks to you ❤ Thank you for everything and I hope I have inspired you all to write stories of your own 😊 Also, please check out my other stories too. If you want me to do like an epilogue I will but it might take a while. Thank you so much 💙🧡🖤💗💖❤💘💟💞❣💟💌💝🖤💚🧡💖💕❤💘
Don't cry because it's over,
smile because it happened 💜
(Quote by Dr.Seus hehe)
Goodbye loves, I purple you 💜🤞

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