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Petra's POV

Since my brother wasn't in Neverland, I decided that it would be the perfect opportunity to invite Scott over. It was probably the most happiest that I had ever been because it felt exciting to hangout with someone else outside of Neverland.

Part of me wanted to introduce Scott to my life in Neverland. The other part of me wanted me to hide Scott away from the possible dangers of Neverland and the lost boys. I was torn between deciding what to do, but for now it was just me and him.

" Your room is really unique. " , Scott stated while examining my bedroom.

" Thanks. " , I smiled slightly.

The Alpha kept his attention towards my collectibles on the shelves and the dozens of maps piled up on my desk. He couldn't help but pick up my dagger and touch the carved handle before putting it down to examine the small jar of pixie dust. He acted like a child walking into a new toy store.

" How long have you been in Neverland? " , he asked me while glancing at maps on my desk.

" For centuries. " , I replied

" So you never aged? " , he frowned looking at me

" I'll be sixteen for the rest of my life. " , I confirmed

" How old is your brother? ", he asked

" Seventeen years old. " , I nodded.

" Oh, so you're the younger one. " , he teased

" Unfortunately, I am. " , I rolled my eyes

He chuckled before sitting next to me on my bed with his arms around my waist. I laid my head on his shoulder and sighed happily.

" Where did your magic come from? " , He asked

" Skull Rock. " , I stated.

" Light or dark? " , he questioned me

" Dark. " , I nodded

" Hero or villian? " , he raised his eyebrow

" Villian. " , I slowly nodded

" You don't act like a villian. " , he pointed out

" I don't have a reason to go all evil on you. " , I chuckled lightly.

" I hope you don't go all evil on me. " , he poked my cheek.

" Nah. I couldn't do that to you. " , I giggled before poking his cheek.

" So you wouldn't go against me? " , he asked

" No. Why would I? " , I gave him a look

" What if your brother told you to go against me? I mean I don't think he approves of me. " , Scott shrugged

" Well he could approve of you. " , I shrugged before folding my hands nervously

" How? " , he held my hand gently

" Well, he found out that we both were exchanging letters. Then he started questioning me and I had no choice but to be honest with him. " , I sighed " He knows that I helped you escape and knows that you're a werewolf. "

" What was his reaction? " , he asked me with curiosity

" He didn't say anything. I knew he was probably doing some thinking, but he dismissed that thought and left. " , I stated

" Maybe there is hope. " , Scott smiled slightly.

" Maybe so. I would like for us to just hangout without having to keep it a secret. " , I nodded

" Me too. " , he agreed

Yeah, hangout because we are just friends. Just friends that hold hands, hug one another, talk and giggle during conversations, blush during cheesy, but cute moments and laugh at silly jokes.

Just friends.

" So would you like a tour of Neverland? " , I asked him

" Sure. " , he smiled slightly.

" Okay, do you have any specific place that you would like to go to? " , I questioned him

" Not really. I just would like to see the entire island. I want to know if it's like the disney movie. " , he chuckled

I rolled my eyes playfully before holding his hand and using my magic to teleport us to the beach.

" As your tour guide, I suggest that you stay close to me. " , I said

" I don't mind that. " , he winked at me

I chuckled before leading him to the Mermaid Lagoon. The lagoon was a sea-green color with rocks scattered in the waters and colorful shells everywhere. I watched Scott slowly get close to the water to absorb its beautiful before a mermaid approached him from underneath the water.

" Petra, it's a mermaid! " , he exclaimed

" I can see that. I mean it is called Mermaid Lagoon. " , I rolled my eyes

The dirty blonde mermaid looked at Scott with her big blue eyes and smiled at me before straightening up to reveal her pink shell bra.

I wonder if mermaids ever heard of waterproof shirts.

" Hello there. " , Scott waved

The mermaid giggled before curling her finger for him to come closer. My eyes widened before I saw Scott get closer to her from the shore.

" Come closer. " , she giggled playfully

Scott moved closer to where he was at the tip of the shore. His attention towards the ugly mermaid.

" I'm as close as I can be. " , Scott nodded

" Why don't you get in the water so we can go for a swim? ", she asked innocently revealing her pink scaly tail.

" Maybe another time. Right now, I'm on a tour with Petra. " , he referred to me

" But the ocean is far more exciting to explore than the island. " , she tried to persuade him

Key word: Tried

" Like I said, maybe another time. " , Scott nodded

The mermaid gave him a sour look before turning around to dive back into the water to leave a huge splash on Scott. The poor werewolf was soaked with salt water and I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.

" I can see that mermaids act the same as they do in the disney movie. " , Scott stated

" Hmm, they are much worse when it gets bad. " , I stated

" Bad? I mean splashing me wasn't bad, but it was rude. " , he scoffed

" It's better than to be drowned and ripped into pieces. " , I shrugged

" Oh. It gets that aggressive? " , he gave me a look

" Yep. Now moving on. " , I chuckled. " Next tour stop is Dead Man's Peak. "

" Why is it called Dead Man's Peak? " , Scott asked

" Because a man once climbed up that cliff and was never seen again. " , I exaggerated

" Really? " , Scott asked

" Nah. I was just joking. " , I chuckled. " You'll find out how it got its name. "

This is going to be a long tour.

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