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Petra's POV

Today was probably one of the saddest yet happiest day of my life. It was the happiest day of my life because Scott McCall asked me out and my brother approved of our relationship. However, it was also the saddest day of my life because I won't see my boyfriend for six months.

Yeah, six months.

Most people would say that our relationship wouldn't last. Sure, long distance relationships are hard, but it's the effort that is put into it that can make it last.

In Neverland, there is no time so I cannot predict when Scott will return. The only thing that I can do is wait for him. I mean I don't blame him. He has a pack and a mother back at Beacon Hills so I understand. It'll be okay.

I'll be okay.

I'm sure Peter will keep me busy like he always does. Which reminds me that I would have to return to my duties. My boring duties.

Oh how fun.

Gosh dang it, Scott.

" Ow! " , I exclaimed

" Petra, I said turn right. " , Scott chuckled. " Not run straight into a tree. "

" Well your guidance would be nice to. " , I huffed with my eye sight being taken away by a stupid cloth and swatting my hands everywhere for touch.

" Well I'm holding something so you should stop daydreaming and follow directions. " , I heard him say.

" I don't understand why I'm blinded. " , I said annoyed

" It's only for a couple of minutes. Besides, it's a surprise. " , he chuckled.

" Tell me the surprise! " , I exclaimed impatiently

" Be patient, lucky charm. We are almost there. " , he assured me.

I groaned with annoyance before following Scott's direction. I could only rely on his voice since I couldn't see anything and he obviously enjoyed teasing me.

" Stop. " , Scott ordered me.

I stopped in my tracks with my hands waving around everywhere. Then I heard a footsteps walk past me and little sounds coming from in front of me. My curiosity grew bigger at the wonders of what Scott was planning.

Should I be concerned?

A pair of arms wrapped around my waist which caused me to jump slightly.

" It's just me, lucky charm. " , Scott chuckled as he kissed my cheek.

" Don't scare me like that, Alpha. " , I huffed.

He hummed as a response before holding me close to him.

" Are you ready for your surprise? " , he whispered into my ear.

" Yes, I am. " , I nodded.

My sight was given back to me when the blindfold was removed. My eyes widened at the simple, yet elegant sceney of a blanket and a picnic basket surrounded by colorful flowers. I examined the area to realize that we ended up in the flower field.

" Scott..." , I gasped

" I know. I know. It's simple and cheesy, but it wouldn't hurt to have our first date here in your favorite place in Neverland. " , he lightly chuckled.

" Our first date?! Scott, I look like a green bean! I could have changed into something fancy. " , I groaned

" Nah, your usual green outfit brings out the color in your eyes. It compliments you very well. " , he smiled at me

I felt my cheeks become a tomato and my stomach erupt with butterflies. Little did he know that such little things could make me smile.

" Thank you. " , I giggled.

" You're welcome. " , he smiled.

He held my hand and led me to the blanket where we sat ourselves next to one another; the basket in front of us. We stayed at the flower field all day just enjoying ourselves.

Enjoying our first date.

By the time the skies were turning into warm colors, our picnic basket was empty and our stomachs were stuffed. I laid my head down on his shoulder with his arms wrapped around me gently. Here and there he would play with my hair and just that simple act would make me smile.

" So what did you think about your first date? " , he asked me

" I think it was the best one ever. " , I smiled

" Just wait until we have many more future dates. " , he poked my cheek

" Just hold off the blindfold. " , I waved him off

" Maybe I'll just get you to dress fancy. " , he winked at me

" Only for you. " , I chuckled

" Well I had a wonderful day with my favorite girl. " , he kissed my cheek

" And I had the best day with my favorite boy. " , I smiled slightly. " Even though today was your last day. " , I frowned

A sigh came from my boyfriend as he pulled me to his lap before wrapping his arms around me again. My frown stayed on my face as I leaned my head on his chest.

" Six months. " , I mumbled

" Well six months for me. I don't know how long for you since there is no time in Neverland. " , he shrugged

" But it'll take forever. " , I groaned.

" Well I did get messages from Isaac that a threat is occurring so I have to go back home and investigate it. " , he sighed changing the subject

" Who's the threat? ", I raised my eyebrow

" The Nogitsune that possessed Stiles, so we call him Void Stiles. " , Scott explained. " He's causing trouble in town so I have to find a way to get rid of the evil spirit inside of my best friend without hurting Stiles himself. "

" Oh. Well I'm sure you will figure it out, Alpha. You and your pack always do. " , I nodded before looking at the view in front of us.

Nothing more peaceful than colorful flowers blending in with the warm colors of the skies. It was indeed a breathtaking sight.

My chin was lifted and I was met with chocolate brown eyes. A small kiss on my forehead was placed which made me find comfort in him.

" I promise that when I return, we will figure something out. Maybe your brother can compromise with us. " , he said

" Maybe so. " , I shrugged.

" Until then I want to spend my last day with my lucky charm. " , he smiled before kissing my cheek.

" And I want to spend your day with my Alpha. " , I smiled before kissing his cheek.

Yeah, that kissing each other's cheek turned into a short, sweet kiss with arms wrapped around one another and our bodies very close to each other. Here I was on top kissing him with so much passion so I may keep his warmness to himself.

I'm going to miss my heater.

" I love you so much, lucky charm. " , Scott whispered to me with a cheeky smile on his face.

" I love you too, Alpha. " , I replied sweetly.

It was in that moment that I realized that I was in love. Sure, love is weakness, but I accept that. I accept Scott into my life. People believed that I would end up lonely and selfish like Peter. But they were wrong.

My name isn't Peter.

My name is Petra.

And I decided to write my own happy ending in this fairytale.

A/N: Final chapter of this book! I hope you all enjoyed it! ☺️

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