Chapter one. The Fallen Angel

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  • Dedicated to To everyone who helped me in life. :D

In the sky's in heaven which no man but only angels can see was a peaceful kingdom, which was ruled by a fair king who controlled heaven, earth, and the underworld.

   All angels had bright in their hearts but one, Annabelle. Annabelle always wanted revenge but no one knew that she had evil in her heart since she was the head guardian Angel. One day a new Angel came and took her place as the head of guardian angles. And this angel was known as Halo. Halo was kind,sweet, and always forgave others. Annabelle was the opposite. Annabelle grew jealousy and hate for poor Halo. So Annabelle plotted to make Halo hated by all who loved her. This plan will work and change Halos life forever.

Annabelle stole the royal ring of the king that controls the fate of everyone. After she stole the ring. She hid it under Halos pillow in the shape of a cloud. Soon she claimed she saw Halo run into her room with the ring. But in reality Halo was sleeping.

Halos story

"There's Halo! She has the ring that controls fate that's why her life is too perfect!" As I awoke to Annabelle's voice, I didn't understand what was going on outside my room. Soon I felt something silvery under my pillow. It was the fate ring! "She has the ring in her hand. Get her." They grabbed my arm and took me to the king. "Halo you are the head of all guardian's and you took the priceless ring that requires tons of responsibility. You are now banished from heaven until you are proven you are ready to come back. You will be placed in the sorrow forest of darkness for now." Soon the light from heaven disappeared. The two holy knights put me in chains and took me down to the horrible forest. "At least your not going to the horrible dimension called Earth." Then the glow of my snow white wings turned to the color of ash. My wings are usually warm as my old cloud pillow. But now it was cold as ice. I went on my knees and felt the wet,soggy, and muddy dirt. I was betrayed by a girl I thought was my friend. I felt a small wet tear fall from my face on to my hand. My nails turned black with a butterfly on my thumb, it use to have a sunflower on it but now my body thinks I'm a fallen angel.  What did I do to deserve this? I knew it would be no good to blame others. That's what they taught me in heaven. So now I must start a new life. I soon walked barefoot in the mud and all I had to wear was a black silky dress, before it was a white gown. Soon hours passed and I never found food,water,or shelter. Its hard to find anything since the sorrow forest has barley any light. As morning turned to night I heard strange noises in the forest. I heard howls, cry's, and even a human scream. Now when I look up to the sky I only see grey clouds and crows. Nearby I saw a warm wooden cottage by a beautiful pond. My mind said go inside but my heart said if you go inside you will be killed. Either way I would die, might as well go in. I opened the door size able enough to peak inside. What I saw was a massive teacup chair, blue berry pie, labs in a far corner. Maybe if I just take that pie it wouldn't be such a bad thing. Soon I took a bite and the delicious taste made my body feel relaxed. Later after I ate the pie, I heard foot steps. I ran into the nearest bathroom and hid in the shower. The curtains had pictures of four girls but you couldn't see how they looked like but only how the figure was. But there was the words Sweet heart returns. "Hello WHO's in here? Do not be afraid I am a healer." I knew healers did not fight and thought of everyone as equals. I said in a low whisper hello? She looked at me as if she was studying me. Her beautiful long brown curly hair caught my attention and her brown eyes made me feel peaceful. I burst-ed in tears. She just hugged me and said "my name is Annette. They say fallen angles are evil but I only see kind heart in you. What is your name?" I blushed, my cheeks felt hot as a boiling pot of water. My name is Halo... I was betrayed by a fellow friend of mine. "Would you like some help dear?" she asked. Oh i just want to see how my "friend" Annabelle is doing. She soon ran into a flower pot and grabbed a stem from the turquoise rose. Later she squeezed the water inside a crystal ball and said these words " If an angel needs some help, give her the spell." After she said those words i saw Annabelle smiling and was the new head of guardians. She had shadows around her and her laugh was so devious. " Your friend isn't like any Angel i seen before. She has darkness. The king must be blind to her shadows since she is the head of the guardians" I turned around and faced Annette. I didn't know how someone could be as kind as her. My heart was tired of being so perfect. Hey Annette can you give me something so i can fly again? She looked worried and said " Oh honey i cant give a potion to help you fly forever but only temporary. Maybe for about two hours a least?" Yes that will do! She soon began to form her flying potion. She wasn't a witch. Witch and healers were much different. A witch makes potions that can harm but a healer is a beautiful person who helps the needy. She rushed toward me and said " Okay rules are try to hide your wings or else the villager's or anyone will think your a demon, Rule number two be careful on your journey, and rule number three visit me. Don't forget only two hours so land safely." Yes oh thank you Annette! Oh Annette in your shower curtains what was those pictures about? "Its about a legend that's suppose to help out of all dimensions but no one knows who's it going to be or how they help us. My mother told me that one day one will be born by my healing! I wonder. My mother was a great healer, she made miracles happen." As i got more interested i asked more questions, afterwards i saw a vine jar glass with a strange liquid inside that glowed. What that Annette? She answered " Oh its one of my inventions to help living creatures grow into humans. Some worked but it wasn't the same ingredients i used in this one. The other was a success but this one might have side effects." Oh i wonder what the side effects would be. Id best be off now Annette. "Bye Halo. May the best of luck be with you!"

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