~ 7. Whose Heather ~

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He was here

He couldn't be far

Anger overcame me and i punched the locker on the side

'The fuck' i heard

'Whose here'

I ran out the door and back into my dorm room and i saw Hayden sitting there

'Hey' i said and folded his hoodie and threw it into my suitcase before jumping onto my bed

'Hey' he said and was chilling on his phone

Suddenly I heard a ring tone and he jumped

'Answer your phone' he said

'Its not mine' i said and we looked at the door

I got up and opened it to see Olivia

'Ew where's my boyfriend' she said


Woman give up

I gave her a blank look and slammed the door shut and locked it

'Thanks' he said and fell back into his bed

'She's not even your girl why does she call you her boyfriend' i said

'No fucking clue. I kissed a girl infront of her and she still calls me her man' he said

'Who was the girl'

'Some Heather dude she's was pretty hot'

Ew no

'Cool' i said and pulled out my laptop and decided to go to last week's cameras to see anything or anything that was suspicious

I flipped through the cameras to see normal people living normally

People smoking at the back
People jumping the gates
Random people walking about

It all seemed normal for a school

But someone cut the schools cameras for Monday evening

I'm going to find him

Hayden fell asleep and i put my laptop away and fell asleep myself


I woke up to an alarm and i groaned

'Rise and shine' Hayden said and i grabbed the alarm and threw the it a wall

'Fucking hell' he said and i forced nyself up

I grabbed some clothes from my suitecase and headed into the shower

I washed myself and my hair then stepped out side

I put on the clothes and quickly dried my hair and then tucked it under my wig and put on some cologne and headed outside, slipping on my shoes

I grabbed my phone and my keys then walked outside seeing Hayden and hunter staring

'Wassup' i said and made my way to class

Just then the bell went

Oh fuck I'm late

I sighed and opened the door and sat down

'Your late' he said

'Sorry' i said and sat next to landon

'Dude where were you last night Hayden got rejected twice by a girl .' he said

'What really i was with some chick she took me.back to her house and her dad came and yeah' i said and he laughed

'Who was it' i heard hunter

How did he get here so quick

With Hayden

Oh wait i took the long way here

'Some girl' i said

'Apparently he's trying to find out who that girl was ' landon whispered

Oh fuck

Well good luck to him

'Yeah ok' i said and we were giving dictionaries and me and landon started looking up stupid words and laughing our heads off

'YOU TWO' We looked up

'GET OUT' We got up and made our way outside and started laughing

Suddenly, from a distance i saw a dark shadow staring at me from the school gates

When I looked at that person they walked away

What the heck

Landon pulled me into the canteen and the bell went and he was still laughing

But now I was confused

Who was that person ?


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