~ 43. I'm the leader now~

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I woke up to the sunlight closing my eyes and taking the sheet with me to close the curtains

Then i realised

I was naked

I looked at the bed to see a sleeping Hayden....also naked

We had sex

Holy shit what was I thinking

I got some new clothes and dressed up

I looked into the refrigerator and saw some eggs and went outside and made some eggs on a fire with a pan

I headed back inside leaving them in a table and writing a note

Going to get alicia
Made some breakfast for you too. Hope you like eggs x 

Don't call anyone. They'll easily track us. If you get any calls DON'T ANSWER. Unless it's me

Don't worry about me

P.s i took your car keys

I took his car keys and ran out of the hut not wanting to wake him up and wrapped a yellow bandana over my face and jumped onto the speed boat and drove off to the coast

It was 5 in the morning so no one's actually awake at this time by the beach


After about 15 minutes I got there and left the speedboat where it was and took Haydens car and drove off to his house

I knocked on the door and the maid opened it screaming

'Hey sorry it's me' i said taking off my bandana

'Alex. What a surprise. Haydens not here' she said

'I know he's with me. I need alicia' i said

'She's sleeping'

'I know she's in danger from very bad people' i said and she let me in and i headed off to her room and she was sleeping with a thumb in her mouth

I grabbed a suitecase throwing all her clothes in there and i put a hoodie on her

'You can go home' i said

'I live here' she said

'Don't worry. We'll be back home in a few days.' I said and she nodded and i hugged her

'Can you please pack up a few of Haydens clothes' i said and she smiled and nodded

I zipped up alicias suitecase and i picked her up

'A' she yelled hugging me

'Where's papa' she said

'Im taking you to him' i said and she clapped jumping around

'I need you to be a good girl ok. You think you can do that' i said and she put a finger on her lips smiling

The maid soon came with Haydens suitecase and she helped me put them in the trunk

'Can you please watch her' i said and she nodded

I went into Haydens office grabbing a few guns tucking them into my waist band

I went out and i hugged the maid one last time and i got into the car with alicia and drove off to the coast


Did she just swear


She meant beach

I put her down and she grabbed my finger and i one by one took their suitecase into the speed boat before parking Haydens car into the bunker and i sped off making sure alicia was close to me and warm

Hayden soon ran out hearing the speed boat and he hugged us

'I can't believe you went without me' he said kissing me

'PAPA' she yelled

'Hmm be glad she went without you. Otherwise I would have killed you Infront of your daughter'

That voice

I turned around and froze

Oh shit

'Take her inside' i said

'NOW' i yelled and Hayden ran with alicia


I was being followed and i never even noticed

'Huh only 3 men' i said

'Yeah it's only 3 of you' he said

'Tell them to stand down. Let's bond. Father' i said and he told them to stand down

'What do you wanna talk about. Daughter.'

His voice filled with venom, poisoning me

'I killed your brother and your whore of a mother. Now it's time for you to die. I want the company' he yelled

'I guess psychopathic sons run in the family' i said referring to his brother, Gavin

'Winners run in the family'

'If you call winning by killing family members. Id rather be dead' i said

'Happily' he said taking out a gun and i did too but one of his gun and men shot the gun making it fall out my hand and i pulled out two more, shooting the gun men leaving it to be just me and my....well he's no one to me

Absolutely no one except a pyscho

'I forgot you always carried 2' he said

'I guess winners run in the family' i said and i shot at him


And again

And again

Till both of my guns were finished

His body laid on the floor and Hayden ran out

'Call MI6.'

'They won't listen to me. I'm not a member'

'But I'm the leader now' i said


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