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"I should probably get going..." Kaylee sits up from the couch, and holds out her arms for Jake to hug her. He gets up, and hugs her.

"See you at school tomorrow then." He said, and she nods.

"Bye Colby." She starts to walk away, and I roll my eyes.

"Your not gunna give him a hug?" Jake asks. I snap my head up, and glare at him.

"I didn't think he wanted a hug from me." She says, and starts to open the door. I stay quiet with my arms crossed until I hear the door shut.

"Dude what are you doing?" Jake asks.

"What do you mean?"

"You just gunna let her leave mad?"

"I don't see why she's mad. And I'm not asking questions."

"Go out there and talk to her."

"About what?" I ask.

"Just go out there!" He yells. I stay quiet.

"Fine. Ill go talk to her." He starts walking towards the door, and I jump up.

"No. I will." I walk out the door.

She starts her car, and I knock on the window. She looks at me confused, and rolls it down.


"Why didn't I get a hug?"

"I said I thought you wouldnt want one."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"You've been glaring at me the whole time I was over."

"No i-"

"Yes you were. Don't deni it."

" I wasn't glaring at you. I was glaring at Jake."

"Why?" She turns off the car, and I sigh.

"Nothing." I shake my head, and she glares at me.

"Tell me."

"I can't tell you." I say. She looks at me up and down as if shes reading me.

"That's against the rules." She smirks.


"Jealousy. We can be with whoever we want." She crosses her arms.

"I'm not jelous."

"Mhmm. You seemed pretty upset because I was sitting by him."

"Correction. Cuddling with him." I hold up a finger. "Plus. I don't care anyway because I'm not jelous."

"Good." She says, and starts the car.

"We're just fuck buddies. That's it." I say, and she nods in agreement.

"I should really get going though... Wanna hug now?" She says, and I open her car door, and she steps out. She hugs me, and turns around.

As she's about to step in, I turn her around, and kiss her on the lips.

"See you tomorrow babygirl."



Everytime he calls me that it sends shivers down my spine. I don't know why.

I know he wasn't jelous. I was just testing him to make sure he wasn't. Besides.. he wouldn't like someone like me. I mean...I wouldn't like someone like him.


I walk into school, and Danisha comes up to me to hug me.

"Happy early birthday!" She yells, and I give her a confused look.

"That's on Saturday." I say as she hugs me. My hands stay awkwardly down to my sides.

"Yeah but we won't have school then."

"Yeah but it's Wednesday." I say, and she shrugs.

"Fine. Sad birthday." She says making me burst out in laughter.

"Your ugly!" I yell as we both laugh.

Me and her have a thing where we call each other ugly almost ALL THE TIME. When we call each other ugly we aren't talking about the way we look. It's the things you say or do that's ugly. It's hard to explain.

The bell rings, and my eyes widen.

"Oh shit." We laugh as I run the opposite way to class.

"Bye Kaylee." She yells, and I speed walk into the room.

"Late. Again?" Sam says. I narrow my eyes at him, and sit in the spot in front of him.

"Shut up mosquito nips." I say, and the people around me burst into laughter.

Did I really say that, that loud?

"Kaylee." He clenches his jaw, making me laugh with the class.

"Kaylee." I look up at my teacher. "Would you like to share what you said to interrupt my teaching?"

"I'm good." I say as I take my binder out of my backpack.

"Carmas a bitch." I hear Sam whisper.

I give him a sarcastic laugh, and turn back around.

"Now..is the a verb or an adjective?" The teacher asks.

"We learned this shit in like the fourth grade." I head Sam say from behind me. I try and hold in my laughter as the teacher look at him disappointed.

"We are just reviewing." The teacher explains.

"We really gunna take a test on this?" Sam complains.

"What? You don't think you can pass it?" I say making Sam kick the back of my chair.

"Damn, chill Sam." I laugh.

"Waste my time, I waste your time." My teacher says, making the whole class groan.

"Kaylee!" Clara says.

"Oops." I roll my eyes, and cross my arms.


I start walking towards the girls locker room, and the whole way there I'm getting looks.

People definitely know...

I continue walking, and try my best to ignore people, but I hear him.. Nick.

"Yo, Gunderson!" He yells. I slowly turn my head as he smirks at me.

"What do u want?" I ask, and he walks closer to me.

"Another broken nose I guess." I say, and cross my arms over my chest.

"Chill Kaylee. I was just wondering if you and colb-" I push him with all my strength before he can finish his sentence.

"It's not true." I say as he tries to stand back up.

"Whore." He says once he's stands up from me pushing him to the ground.

"You really want another broken nose." I walk up to him, and I swing.

Before my fist can even touch his cheek, someone grabs onto it, and gently moves me out of the way.

"What the fuck is-?!" I stop when I see that it's Colby.

"We aren't a thing so drop it." He says. His voice almost scaring me.

"Colby I can take care of it." I say but he ignores me.

"No, let's see what your man can do." Nick says, and with that, I practically loose my mind.

I kick him in the balls making him bend over, and groan in pain. I push him over, and he falls to the ground.

"Don't fuckin mess with me." I say, and kick him in the side.

"Kaylee." Colby's says.

"Move." I push Colby out of the way, and continue to walk to class.


So the danisha ugly thing I said, is actually a thing between me, and my friend danisha, and joice. KSKSK

Hope you liked this chapter.

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