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I wake up on a couch, in Brennens house. I sit up, and see Sam, Jake, Brennen, and Corey all sleeping on the floor. I smile, and kick Sam to wake up.

He looks up at me confused, and looks around.

"How'd I end up at Brennens house?" He asks, and sits up.

"No idea." I laugh.

"Fuck." I say, and hold my face in my hands.


"What?" Sam asks.

"I have the worst headache ever right now." I say, and look back at him.

"Same." He says, and lays back down.

"Can you guys shut the fuck up?" Corey says, and I give him a look.

"How'd we get to Brennens house?" He asks, and I shrug.

"Wait." I say, and walk to the window. None of our cars are here.

"We fuckin walked." I say, and they groan.

Fuck, my car is at school.

"What the fuck happened last night?" Jake asks.

"Who knows." Sam says, and stands up.

"I remember a few things though." Sam says, and winks at you. You playfully roll you eyes, and get up from the couch. I walk down the steps.

"Where are you going?" Brennen says, waking up.

"Getting my car from school." I put my shoes on, and walk out the door.

I begin walking down the street towards my school.

"I'm coming with you!" I turn around, and see Corey walking out the door.


"My cars at school too." He says, and begins to run up to me.

Corey was probably the one I was the least closest out of the group.

Besides Colby at the moment.

Me and Corey never really talk, but he's a great guy. He's funny as hell too. He knows how to make someone laugh.

We walk silently, before Corey finally breaks the silence.

"We need to hangout more often. I feel like I'm the only one in the group whos not close to you."

"We definitely should." I say.

"Okay. Colby told me to tell you something."

"Why can't he tell me himself?" I ask.

"Cuz he knows you won't talk to him."


"Anyway. I don't really remember exactly what he said, because we were a bit fucked up." He says, and I giggle.

"But I know it was something about him not being mad at you. He said to trust him, but I didn't really know what he was talking about."

"Did he say why he's being a dick to me then?" I ask.

"No, not that I know of." I nod.

"If you want, I can't text him for you."

"Uhh.. just tell him youre coming over. Don't say anything about me though."

"Got it." He says, and pulls out his phone.

We are getting close to the school now.

"He said sure."

"Okay." I say.

We finally get to our cars, and I roll down my window.

"So, we going straight to Colby's?" He asks.

"Yup." I back out of my parking spot, and begin to drive to Colby's house.

We arrive, and Corey knocks on the door. I stand slightly out of sight.

Colby opens the door, and I cut in front of Corey to walk in.

"Explain." I say to Colby, and he looks at me confused.

"Don't act fuckin dumb with me, and explain to me why your being such a dick lately."

"Didn't you tell her?" Colby's says to Corey.

"Sorry man, I told her all i could remember."

"Kaylee, just know that I'm not mad at you, and that I'm sorry for being a dick to you. As you know, Kacey Hates you, and you obviously hate her too."

"Mhmm." I agree.

"She told me she that I'm not allowed to talk to you. She says that if I even say something nice to you, or smile at you. Well..."

"Well what?" I say, getting impatient.

"For now, all I'm going to say is that she'll use something against me, if I ever make her mad. She's practically forcing me to be with her."

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner." I ask.

"Because you don't know how to shut your big mouth, and just listen to people for once." He says, and I look at him shocked. I hear Corey laugh, and I shush him.

"I have a big mouth?" I cross my arms, and glare at him.

"I mean, that's not a bad thing." He smirks, and I feel my cheeks get hot.

"Woahh! Let's keep this PG!" Corey yells, and Colby laughs.

That laugh. I havent heard that laugh in forever.

"Sorry for being a dick to you lately, so if I end up being one to you again. You know why."

"What could be so bad to where you have to follow her rules? What the fuck does she have against you?" I ask.

"Kaylee, just trust me. I can't tell you right now, but trust me when I say you'll find out soon."


"Kaylee, just quit asking questions."

"Fine. Just do me a favor, and tell me when youre open next." I say, and he nods.

"Of course. I would be lying if I said that I didn't miss you."

"Ive missed you too. Just quit bringing Kacey everywhere, and we'll be good." I pat his shoulder, and he rolls his eyes.

"If she wants to hangout I have to say yes."

"I don't care." I joke, and he tilts his head, and gives me a look.

"I'm playing." I say, and put my shoes on.

"Your leaving?" He asks.


"If you want to hangout out, then stay while I'm open." He says, and I groan.

"I'll stay." I say, and sit on the couch.


Authors note: tEa¡

Who missed Colby sksks

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