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In which a hopeless romantic and a characterless person team up to help each other.

The other needs the perfect boyfriend.

The other needs a personality.

It fit perfectly, or did it?


Jungkook had 4 big time crushes in his 16 years of living.

Big time ones, the others you could call "flings" or as today's generation call it; "side dishes".

The big time ones though, was a metaphor to a whole buffet, why food you ask? Taste, a groovy way to name it.

Jungkook had 4 whole buffets, and 256 side dishes, and still manages to stay "skinny", metaphor to "no boyfriend since birth"

His first crush ever throws back to 1st grade, Mark Tuan- a transferee from Vietnam who had a sexy long neck, and was Jungkook's gay awakening.

But before they could be friends, Mark was sent back to Vietnam because he set the whole classroom on fire.

2nd grade crush was Park Jimin, and he had a crush on him for five years.

This though actually was different, since he was actually close to Jimin in those five years.

As time passed, he realized they would only be better as friends, and which actually resulted better, now that Jimin was his bestfriend, and was happily dating Jung Hoseok who was a senior.

So it was 7th grade, and Jungkook gave up on crushing. He just found some few men and women attractive, and had a fling for them or two.

This time, it was a girl from sixth grade who confessed to him, and he actually developed a crush on her that lasted for 7 months, he got turned off because it was rumored that she sucked some 8th grader's dick.

He was gay anyway.

So 8th grade passed with Jungkook only having flings, because duh, by 7th grade everyone starts dating, and Jungkook could only get a popsicle down his throat and not choke.

You could say he was now hopeless, he only could rewatch movies like Titanic and Letters to Juliet while his classmates were eating each other's faces.

Freshman year though changed his life, he met what he felt like the one.

Kim Namjoon, from the year older, caught his heart when he was doing one of his spoken poetry.

It was about self-love, of course.

Jungkook begged Jimin to introduce himself to Namjoon since both of them were in the student body.

Eh, we all do stupid stuff for crushes.

Jimin, being the nice bestfriend he was of course did it, and Jungkook and Namjoon started being friends.

They were so close, and Jungkook was so sure that Namjoon fell in love with him, from the way he looks at him.

How he buys the small boy ice cream whenever he had a panic attack, how he takes him to dates in the park and held his hand.

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