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Halsey can step on me

After Taehyung went out of the clinic, he immediately went back to his dorm to rest more, but when he entered, he encountered a little green notebook on the ground.

Jungkook was still in class, so it wouldn't be so bad to check out his little diary.

He picked it up from the floor and sat on the couch, opened it and was shocked to know that it was rather an artbook.

Taehyung smiled at Jungkook's sketches or Paintings, some were original artworks and some were almost replicas of works by famous artists like Da Vinci and Van Gogh.

Taehyung was interested in art too, but rather than being skilled in arts like Jungkook, he enjoyed going to museums and understanding the meaning of various pieces, not only paintings, but sculptures as well.

He kept flipping and flipping and flipping, until he stopped in a page of a drawing of "The Creation of Adam" by Michelangelo
noticing a piece of paper that was fold fell down on his lap.

He opened it and his eyes widened.

50 things I want my boyfriend to be <3:

1. He must be tall and big (good pillow)

2. He must always hold my hand, especially when other people are staring at him (bc he's handsome duh) so they will know that he is mine.

3. A good hugger.

4. A good listener.

5. A good kisser.

6. Comforts kookie when he's sad :(

7. Appreciates me for who i am

8. Tells me 25/8 that I'm pretty

9. Buys me food allllll the time.

10. Can cook like gordon ramsay but doesn't look like him ofc

11. Likes touching kookie softly.

12. hands on waist always!

13. Doesn't yell at kookie and always kisses him.

14. Good morning and good night messages is a must.

15. Is protective over kookie but in a kind way.

16. Likes babies and puppies and kittens and bunnies

17. Kookie fits in him when they cuddle.

18. Is humorous and makes kookie giggle

19. Remembers ALL important dates.

20.  Helps kookie always when he is having a hard time.

21. Doesn't look at other girls or boys.

22. Wants kookie to sit on his lap always.

23. Trusts kookie.

24. Romantic// looks at kookie with loving eyes always

25. private dates are always better than public ones

26. stargazing/moongazing

27. Hands on thighs is a must (especially when driving)

28. inside jokes <3

29. cute matching couple shirts.

30. movie marathon monday <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2019 ⏰

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