Chapter 4

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**((Hey guys, quick author note!! Sorry i havent really been updating this story that much. I still have a bunch of test to study for and finish so i can get ready to take my finals so i havent really been active that much on this account.

 I took a couple of test today and had some free time during class so i decided to finish off chapter 4. Sorry about it being short and  I hope that i can update better from now on instead of making you guys wait for 2 whole months.

Now on to the story !!))**



"Hina!" the voice got louder and louder in my ear as i rolled over in my bed. "5 more minutes."

"Were gonna be late for breakfast if you don't hurry up!" my eyes shoot open as Odd enters my line of vision. I quickly stand up and shooed Odd out of my room as I got dressed.When I made sure i had everything i needed, i walked outside, locking my door behind me.

"L-Lets go." I make sure i keep a little distance from us as we make our way to lunch. "Sit by me, ok?!" Odd smiles at me as we get in line. "B-But.." my mind races with thoughts but i just nod my head.

"Hey Rosa! Can i have extras of everything?" Odd smiles at the lunch lady as he holds out his plate. "I don't understand how you eat so much and stay scrawny."

"I'm not scrawny. I'm svelte!".

I smile as Odd tries to show off his muscles. We got our food and made it to the table, where everyone but Yumi were already sitting down. I quickly sit next to Odd and began eating the small yogurt she gave me. I was silent as everyone kept talking. My thoughts ran crazy like they always do, thinking about my home country and all my "friends".

"Hey Hina-chan! Do you think you could help us with our homework?" a group of girls walked up to me. "Sure." I smile at them as we walk out of my classroom. "There is a new cafe down the street!" one of the girls, Rin exclaimed.

"Maybe you could treat us." Namiko grabbed my arm.

"I guess i could." i smiled and laughed as they started to laugh with me.

The rest of the afternoon was spent with me doing all of their homework and wasting money on drinks and cakes as they just laughed. All because they tricked me into being their friend.

"Hey Hina." Odd's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I look up and we make eye contact. "You want my yogurt?" My eyes widen as i small blush forms on my cheeks. I didn't even know why i was getting so flustered over that.

"T-Thanks." my hands grasp the container and bring it towards my chest. He smiles at me and continues to talk to everyone.

I smile a little and scoot closer to Odd. I guess he could be considered a friend.

For now.


Ulrich P.O.V


I honestly forgot that odd was outside as i went to bed and when i woke up, guilt rushed over me as i saw that he wasn't in his bed.

I figured he might be at breakfast, so i quickly threw on some clothes and ruffled my hair.

'This is a first time a XANA attack really exhausted me this much.'

I make my way to the lunch room and am yet shocked again when i realize that he isn't there, along with our new shy friend. I grab a tray and sit down next to Yumi, sighing as my feet relaxed again.

"Hey ulrich, have you seen Odd? He didn't walk back with me last night and i need to ask him something." Jeremy asked as he sat down across from me.

"Look over there!" Yumi suddenly points outside and l follow her finger. I see Odd running, hand in hand with Hina. "When did they get so close??" Aelita voices out my thoughts clearly.

We quickly began mumbling as they entered at quickly got into the line.

A couple of minutes later, they walk over to our table, small smiles on their face. "Sit by me, OK?" Odd stares at the Japanese girl as she nodded her head and slid next to him.

"Hey guys!" Odd smiles as he began to dig in. "Odd, where did you go last night?" I questioned him. He hesitated before rubbing the back of his head. "I kinda crashed at Hina's room." The table went silent, the gang glancing between Odd and Hina.

"I don't understand why you're looking like that, she was the only one awake." he huff, glaring at his plate because of the conversation. I noticed that he looks at his unopened container of yogurt and out of the corner of my eye, i see Hina looking down at her lap, sadness showing in her eyes.

"Hey Hina." Her eyes snap up to meet Odd. "You want my yogurt?" A small blush forms on her face before she takes it. "T-Thanks." Odd smile as she scoots a little closer to him, grabbing a spoon and munching on the small container.

"Odd. You actually gave away your food?!" I was flabbergasted. He always devours his food real quick and I've only see him take food, not give any away.

"I'm not feeling really hungry this morning." He stands up grabbing his bag. "Hina, wanna take a walk before class." She looks up before grabbing her things and following behind my purple hair friend. I felt a little pang in my heart.

'What's going on between them?'




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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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