-Chapter Eleven-

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I stand silently at the doorway as I watch Tyron work, sitting at his office desk as he goes through a pile of paperwork. He's been buried in it for the past three days since my ceremony, working late nights that would cause him to sleep late into the day...

Tonight I'm putting a stop to it.

He needs a break, and considering that tonight is a special occasion, I have the perfect plan to get him to take one. Walking in, I pause to knock on his door, a smirk curling my mouth.

"I think it's time for you to take a break Mon Chou..." I call softly, and I'm a bit disappointed when he doesn't look up from his work.

"I will in an hour love, I promise." He replies, and I quirk an eyebrow as my smirk deepens.

"I have a feeling you're going to want to take one now Beloved." I say, dropping my voice a little to get his attention.

"Why is tha-?" He starts, only to forget what he was saying as he looks up to see me, and I chuckle as his eyes turn a lustful black, my outfit working exactly as I planned it to. His eyes roam over my body thoroughly, taking in the dark blue silk and black lace of my spaghetti strap chemise, a deep rumbling sound coming from his chest as his gaze moves up from my bare legs to the deep v-neck of my outfit. As he finally meets my gaze, I notice that his canines are fully descended...just like my fangs.

"I've been saving this piece for a special occasion Beloved, what do you think of it?" I ask, batting my eyes playfully as I spin around for him slowly, and his desk groans as his hands tighten on the edge, him desperately trying to keep himself seated.

"It's gorgeous Darlin'...but what's the occasion?" He asks huskily, and I smile before flitting to him, sitting myself in front of him on the edge of the desk. He jumps in surprise at my sudden movement, and I shiver a bit as warmth practically cascades off of him.

"Well Beloved, it's officially midnight...so Happy Birthday." I answer, and his eyes widen in shock as they flick to the digital clock then back to me.

"Is it really?" He questions, and I chuckle. Just one more nudge.

"It is...so are you going to unwrap your present?" I murmur, and he jumps up out of his chair so fast it rolls back into bookcase with a loud thump. He skims his fingers slowly up and down my arms, his warmth seeping into my cool skin as he moves closer. I move my legs so that he can stand between them, and I shiver as his lips skim over my shoulder and press softly against the mark he left there, the sparks leaving a warm and tingly sensation where he touches me.

"Oh, goddess yes..." He purrs, and he presses his lips against mine in what starts off as soft kiss, then gradually gets deeper and more passionate as we continue. I open my mouth after he licks my lips, and we both groan as our tongues twist together. His large hands grab my legs to pull me impossibly closer, while mine tangle in his soft, dark brown hair.

We part after a few moments, both of us panting a bit as our foreheads press together. His eyes locked with mine, he slowly slides his hands up my thighs to my waist, his fingertips investigating the silk of my outfit.

"You have no idea how much I love seeing this color on you Darlin'." He whispers, his warm breath fanning across my face.

"I'm glad you like it Beloved, I picked it out with you in mind...this is your favorite color right?" I murmur back, and he purrs.

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