Chapter 3- powers

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We were now stood in a room in Lucian's office there was nothing in it the walls are padded and there was rips in the pads on the walls.

"This is my safe room even I can't control myself all the time you see your powers are tided to your emotions even I get angry and when I am angry I lose control like humans we cannot control our emotions however to find our powers we have to lose control and in this matter I apologise in advance this won't be a nice and it won't be fun but we will get what you won't and we will make a start on controlling then but first we have to discover them" I nodded and he then got into a fighting stance "your father has obviously taught you to fight being a princess comes with its perks so show me." I shook my head I wasn't going to fight him I wouldn't chance me or him being hurt,

"I'm not going to fight you Lucian I won't take that chance" he stepped forward in a defensive stance but I just stood there with my arms crossed my anger was rising what would fighting him achieve other than getting on of us hurt.

"No Lucian this is stupid I'm not going to fight you" he laughed and I gave him a flat look this was it I couldn't take much more my anger had risen my demon side was rising and I couldn't let that happen.

"ENOUGH!!" I said swing my arm to my side he flew to the wall without me even touching him he was just suspended on the wall he couldn't breathe I gasped and stepped back I was hurting him and by doing that my heart was aching. I somehow let him drop and he fell to the floor I rushed to him he was unconscious.

"Lucian please wake up I'm so sorry don't you dare be hurt" he opened his eyes slightly and close them again, he sighed I curled up into a ball around him and suddenly the wall were on fire I looked around wide eyed and Lucian grabbed my hand.

"It's okay Eve I'm okay calm down and it will stop I promise please just look at me everything will be ok" I looked him in the eye and my heart skipped a beat he was okay I felt like I could breathe again my breathing slowed down and suddenly the fire was put out by ice that then thawed to normal temperature this was all so much to take in all these powers to control it was so overwhelming, I thought I was ready for this maybe I wasn't.

"Wow your amazing there is nothing like you Eve you have more than one power like your father but your father only has fire and telekinesis you have four powers that we know of telekinesis, fire, ice and healing powers" I looked at him stunned healing powers I didn't heal anyone.

" but I didn't heal you did I?" He nodded I looked him over there wasn't a scratch on him, I sighed a breathe of relief knowing he wasn't hurt I took his hand and he squeezed it I had a sudden urge to kiss him and it took all my courage to follow through I smashed my lips against his and kissed him, he stayed still for a couple of seconds but it didn't take him long to respond he cupped my face with one hand and the other pulled me closer to him. It was bliss I couldn't believe it my hands were on fire traveling all around his body suddenly I thought about being in a bed and when I pulled away we were but we were in the safe room how could this happen.

"Looks like that's power number 5 now your power has been awakened you possible will discover more over the next couple of days" I couldn't believe how fast this was all happening I mean I already had five powers where as most kids like me only have one.

"As much as I want to mate you right now we have more pressing matters to attend to right you have the teleportation power so this will save time and will mean that we won't be caught if we are making out in my office or anywhere else" he winked and I blushed a deep crimson and he took my hand. "No need to be embarrassed my love although blushing looks so good on you, so as I was saying I want you to think of the woods visualise us being there and we should end up there just like you visualised the bed when we were kissing very classy by the way" I smiled and returned his wink I held him tightly to me making sure we would both ended up where ever I was going to end up I picture the woods where I grew up there was this little lake where we used to swim with my foster parents while I was in hiding it was a beautiful place where the trees grew so big and the bluebells would grow so blue you could see the from miles away. I used to sit out this place thinking about everything about my real mother and father asking myself when will I be ready for them to get me. I had my eyes closed I was thinking so hard about the place I wanted to be a place where things were so much easier and I saw why my parents did what they did, when I opened my eyes I was actually exactly the place where I was thinking I had done it, I had teleported us both here.

"I did it I actually brought us here" he smiled and kissed my fore head he looked around he had confusion written all over his face I guessed he did know where here was. "Were in south California I was here when I was about 12 my foster family Nick and Louise Shaw were the people who looked after me for a year whilst I was in hiding as a human this used to be my favourite place here you said woods you didn't say where" he laughed and shook his head,

"No I didn't this will do perfectly how are you feeling teleporting this far can be draining" I smiled I felt fine which was weird I have felt better than I have felt in a long time I felt almost free.

"I feel fine why did you want me to bring us to a woods anyway?" His smile grew and it made me nervous and I didn't like it.

"Your father told me that you can't control your wolf and that is the reason why you are in danger if we can get control of it then you won't have to worry have you ever turned without the power of the full moon" I shook my head I was right to feel nervous he was gonna make me change and that was the one thing I was scared of the most as it was the one thing I wasn't able to control.

"No I can't I won't I can't control it and it scares me what If I can't and it's strong enough to kill you I can't take that chance I can't lose you and I won't do it" he laughed and stroked my hair he still hadn't let go of me yet and I felt safe in his arm.

"You won't hurt me no matter how badly you can't control it I'm your mate and even your wolf won't be able to bring itself to kill me I promise you I can help you all you have to do is listen to these simple instructions" I nodded the concentration and fear on my face. To say I was scared was an understatement I wanted to do it so that I could be ready to take the thrown I wanted to make my parents proud I wanted to be the queen everyone wanted me to be but most of all I wanted to be able to control every part of me. "Just like you teleported you need to think about your wolf however this time think of you on the surface you in control" I nodded and followed his instruction I could feel myself turning my bones popping into place but not completely I was like my father I had a half form I wasn't like other wolves I had a wolf form and a half form. My half form had black skin with a snout like a wolf with sharp fangs I still walked like a human yet I had no voice. I had sharp claws they were like knives I thought about being in full wolf form and before I knew it I heard more popping. I ran over to the lake I had never been in control while in either forms so it was amazing to see I was a white wolf with black paws and red ears.

"You are the most amazing creature I have ever seen" everything was okay now I could control it and soon everything else would fall into place, I ran around Lucian he turned and we were running carelessly through the woods but it didn't last long I sensed something was following us I stopped dead in my tracks and sniffed the air. Suddenly a voice popped into my head "what is it my love" I didn't reply just used my senses to see if it was good or bad. It wasn't long before I knew they were rouges and they were far from friendly. I turned into my half from teeth bared growling and Lucian was in an attack stance, a group of rouges jumped out at us and I was ready for them one jumped for me the rest stayed back for a while straight away I ripped the wolf throat out I growled at the rest of them and they cowered at my feet and started to back off I turned into human form.

"Think you can take me come on then I wouldn't take the chance if I were you now go from where ever you crawled from and ever come back here." They ran off and I put the clothes on that we're on the floor.

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