Chapter 1-The Corvin Academy

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My name is Eve Corvin, my mother and father are the king and queen of myths.I am their daughter and the princess of myths I am 18 in the years that you will know of however in myth years I am 50 I have travelled with so many people to keep our secret from you humans. You know the expression things go bump in the night, all the things that you fear in your dreams werewolves, vampires, demons and angels even sirens they are all real as princess I have met most of them. It is part of my job to work alongside my father to take his place as queen once my parents stand down and give me the throne. However I am not yet ready, I need to be able to control my powers. You see to you I am just a normal human going to college after the summer living in a mansion with my family dressing like you eating, like you even sleeping like you. But I am not human I only pretend to be something I am not to keep the secret hidden to stop you from hunting me, I am a hybrid child I am a born werewolf and vampire however I had council with the head of the heavens and she gave the powers of an angel knowing my potential to one day be the best ruler myth kind has ever seen. My home town Romania where I was first born and raised till I was 10 then I was sent to family friends all around the world to keep people to find out who I am. There is an academy called the Corvin academy it is an academy for us myth folk to train our power but also make sure we get a human education so we can fit in we can decide weather we can do the human side of thing but it is advised I have wanted to go there for years it is a college and I am now old enough to go.

My father Michael Corvin was the founder of the Academy and the King of myths is 250 years in myth years but 30 in human years we don't age like you humans we stay young he was born a human he was a doctor he is the human descendant of the first born vampire. He was able to bitten by both species without the virus killing him and that is exactly what happened when my mother met him it was because the lycans (the technical term for werwolves) had an interest in him she was attacked so when she met him again he was bitten by a lycan the elder who ruled the vampire race in the time of the war forbid her to see him again. But my mother had other ideas she needed to know why they wanted him so badly when she found out it was to late the elders henchmen had shot him however the only way to save him was to bite him so she did she fell in love with him. The bloodlines that the elders so desperately wanted to keep pure was tainted my mother killed the elders and everything changed. Here we are today my parents rule over mythical creatures and we have been kept secret all this time, my mother Selene Corvin is 350 myth years 28 in human years myth women don't age as fast as men. She is a very powerful pure blood vampire you heard the story which has made her so powerful,however she is not just my mother she is my best friend she has known that I want to go to the academy for ages but my father is very protective I have been living in the mansion for 3 years now been home schooled pretending to be something I'm not all these years, humans are so boring all they seemed to do is work eat and sleep I want to work on my power so I can be ready to claim the thrown.

As I can't control any of my powers yet it has it's side affects like today for example, it was a full moon last night and being a lycan I changed into my wolf myths that know about there powers and can control them don't change but me i change. So here I am in this present morning running home through the woods completely naked this situation I found myself in as I black out yet again I never know what I do in wolf form but thankfully I haven't killed a human yet, I ran home as fast as I could to find my father waiting for me.

"It happened again didn't it" he gave me a disappointed look I felt ashamed I couldn't control it and it was frustrating me that I couldn't control it, I looked at the floor and he pulled me into the towel he had in his hands and wrapped it around me my mother was stood in the hall giving me a sympathetic smile.

"I'm sorry father I can't control it yet if I was to go to the academy I would learn to and I would be safe there as I would be amongst my own kind please it's what I want" he looked at me astonished I don't think he was expecting my ambush he knew I was sick of being in hiding but never done enough to let me be myself and it was slowly killing me. He put me at arms length holding my shoulder he pulled my head up to look at him, I had a pleading look plastered on my face my amethyst eyes looking into his black ones.

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