Chapter 2- discovery

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We had finally arrived he pulled up in his reserved spot by the entrance and got out of the car, I went to get out to but he sped over and opened the door from me I smiled and thanked him he picked up my luggage I looked up at the place it was like a castle it was so big and it may look old fashioned to me but it take different appearances for different people it was amazing father said he got a witch to put a spell on it to make it change and to make it invisible to humans. we headed inside all the kids were all there and they were looking at me most people knew who I was, but didn't know what I was capable of.

"That's Princess Eve she is here why would they bring her here?" I smiled I knew I would be treated differently I expected that but how differently would I be treat and in what way. Lucian took me through loads of different corridors then suddenly we came to his office, how did I know that it had his name on it, however he didn't stop there he went to the room next door.

"This will be your room where I can have you close to me so that I can keep and eye on you, there is a door to my office in your room as well, it's the biggest dorm room we have and you will not be sharing so make yourself at home I will come back in 20 minutes to give you a tour of the academy just give me a shout if you need anything" I smiled and nodded and he left. I slowly opened the door not knowing what to expect for all I know this could be like a prison however I'm sure my father would of picked the best for me, however he was right it was a massive room and it had everything I needed in it, even a laptop there was a note on the laptop I walked over to it and picked the piece of paper up it read,

"This is for you my child I know you will need it to get the best out of the college if you need anything else your mother has put more money into your bank just remember we love you and be safe Love your father"

I smiled he never seized to amaze me when it came to stuff like this I picked my bag up and began to unpack. There was a massive wardrobe against one wall I opened it to put my clothes in it but found it was already full with a note on the back of the door.

"Love mom" she was the best I only brought what I desperately needed but by the looks of things everything was already here, I walked into the living room where there was a flat screen and a three seater sofa then I walked into the bathroom and it was amazing there was a massive hot tub in the Corner then a massive shower and a mirror then another door walking straight into my bedroom it was like a whole flat to myself, the walls were painted lilac one of my favourite colours. It didn't feel like long but when I come out of the bedroom Lucian was at the door,

"It's time for the tour your highness" I gave him a flat look here I wasn't meant to be judged I was meant to be able to be myself and with him treating me like royalty he was my mate and he was my equal he would soon be king. This was all really overwhelming a whole new environment, I walked out of the door that Lucian was holding open for me and there were young adults everywhere all 16 to 24 year olds and they were all using there powers they were all speeding everywhere some had powers with fire which Lucian promptly told off, some had teleporting abilities there was even a pool outside for the sirens.

"this place is amazing you can just be free here without having to worry its great I can't believe how good it is I mean I have always wanted to go here" he smiled and nodded and we came back to his office he opened the door and pulled me in and took me in his arms,

"I'm sorry I can't hold back I know it's only been a day but it's so hard not to touch you it's going to be hard to stay away from you during the day let alone when you haven't started classes yet." I smiled and embedded myself into him hiding my blush, he just laughed and hugged me tighter this was all so new I mean I had never felt like this before yes I have had a crush but I never had a boyfriend or had any intimate contact from the opposite sex so this was new for me but it felt so right to be in his arms I felt warm and safe.

"It's okay Lucian I feel the same way it's really weird I have heard of mates but never really believed in them are my mother and father mates" he smiled and gave a small chuckled I didn't understand all of this it was all so confusing it made my head hurt.

"No they weren't to start with but there are two type of mates soulmates find each other and they are destined to fall in love however your mother was meant to kill your father but couldn't do it she fell in love with him and Your father was human at the beginning so they weren't destined to love but they still did and they built the connection that is exactly the same as being mates so they are now but they weren't" I didn't know what to think it was all to complicated for me to think about as well as a whole new place and new things to learn. I knew one thing I was inevitably falling in love with Lucian and I was falling fast and hard all I wanted to do was be in his arms and when I wasn't I just wanted to be near him my wolf was purring away she was happy that I was near my mate but I had more worrying issues like when I started my classes and what classes I had to be in.

"You will be starting classes tomorrow you will be going into wolf studies, English, math, science and physical studies, human studies, vampire studies also you will be doing angel and demon studies with me also siren studies and I will be working on your powers with you and also royalty studies I know it's a lot but you will be fine" I sighed it was a lot I had to be in every class for every species I am but people will think that I have to learn it all because I am the princess so they would ask questions as for my powers that what was looking forward I just wanted to be able to control them without getting hurt.

"So what do I do now then If I don't start classes till tomorrow?" He smiled and took my hand, I looked down at it and looked back up my heart was racing I looked into his eyes and he had a big grin on his face he stepped back from me and looked me up and down I felt like his stare was a laser on my skin it set my skin on fire.

"Now we have a training session we can work on your powers find out what powers you have"

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