Day 7

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I woke up to loud knocking on my door and I tried to ignore it but it kept on coming. I stomped out of bed and swung open the door, but before I had the chance to close it, Damon was already inside.


"Don't 'babe' me."

Damon exhaled, "Bonnie, please let me explain."

"What is there to explain? You bring every girl that you meet to that spot, sweet talk them, have sex and then bye-bye."

"No, that's not what I do-"

"Then what do you do, Damon?"

"Alright, I will admit that I've brought girls there before but not every girl that I meet. I don't have sex and then leave, that's not me and I must say that it's hurtful that you think that way about me."

Damn. He got me.

"I'm sorry, I honestly didn't mean that. I was just talking out of anger."

Before I could protest, his hands were on the sides of my face and his eyes were doing that thing when it looks like he's searching for my soul.

"I love you, Bonnie. I love you and I'm sorry that I hurt you I just want you in my life again. Please."

When I didn't respond he kissed me and I couldn't help but to kiss him back.

"Please" he pleaded against my lips.

His eyes bore into mine as he connects our foreheads. "Okay."


"Okay." I nod.

Damon smiled and kissed me again before pulling me into a hug.

"I'm sorry."

Our lips met again but more ferociously and my back hits the wall as Damon's hands wrapped around my waist. As breathing became difficult, Damon's kisses trailed down to my neck. My legs were around his waist and he's kissing my chest when the door bell sounded.

"Just ignore it." I told him.

He pined me on my bed and I lifted my waist up to his and we both moaned at the feel. By this time the door bell has rung about five times and when it was being pushed rapidly coming close to sounding like one long ring, Damon rolled off of me with a grunt and I (yet again) stomp over to answer the door.

"Finally." Caroline said walking in.

"You know I love you but what are you doing here?"

"You forgot."


"Jesus, Bon, what would you do without me?" Caroline walked into the kitchen to pour herself something to drink. "I'll give you some hints." I rolled my eyes. I hate games. "It has something to do with the reason why you're here today, we celebrate this day every year, and we always have a fun time doing so."

"Fuck me in the ass." Caroline smiled. "It's dad's birthday."

Alright before you get all judgey future self I had a lot on my mind lately and well—alright, I'm a crappy daughter, you happy?

"Ding, ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!"

"What would I do without you Care?"

"Starve." She said simply with a shrug.

"Wait today's the fifteenth. His birthday isn't until tomorrow." I said looking at the calendar in which I circled and wrote in big letters so I wouldn't forget.

"True, but we have to give him a gift and that takes a whole day, so strap on your shopping shoes so we can get going."

"Give me twenty minutes."

"Alright." Caroline plopped down on the couch switching in the television.

I closed the door behind me and searched my room because I don't see Damon. I jumped slightly when I heard the shower come on and made my way there and I saw Damon standing by the door.

I smiled at him and closed the door before walking over to him. He kissed me and haves me lift my arms so he could take off my shirt. With every piece of clothing he removes off me I did the same for him until we're both naked.

He stared at my body and I couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious, but when I do the same for him and realize that we're both this way, suddenly I feel confident. I swear this man was made perfectly. He stepped closer to me and delights in the feel of my exposed breasts being pressed against his bare chest. He led me in the shower and backs me against the tile as he kissed me.

"I hear you've been a bad girl." I heard him whisper in my ear. "Forgetting your father's birthday... I think you need to be punished."

Before I could get a word out I'm moaning instead because Damon is on his knees with his head between my legs. I grabbed on to the closest thing that I can reach to maintain my balance as Damon pulls me down closer to his face. I hoped that Caroline doesn't hear me but I try my best to not yell out like I wanted—nay (yes I said nay)—needed to.

My legs were still a little wobbly as Caroline and I made it out the door but I didn't think it was too noticeable.

Throughout our shopping trip Damon and I were texting constantly and I swear he wanted to bring me into another orgasm by telling me how great I tasted and that he couldn't wait to pin me down and—

"Who are you texting?"


"I thought you guys were in a fight?"

"Not anymore. We made up."




I had an idea to what she was thinking, but I needed her to say it.


"So by made up you mean?"

"He apologized and we kissed it out."





"What? It's a valid question and by your defensive tone I'm guessing he "kissed" you in more places then one."

"Alright, can we not talk about this while shopping for my father's birthday gift?"


We laughed and looked around some more.

So blah blah blah we finished getting our gifts for my dad and after lunch I filled Caroline in on what went down.

"And I was in the other room?! Nasties."

I laughed and we hugged before she drops me off at my door.

The rest of my afternoon was amazing, Damon came over after work and we sat on the couch to watch a movie then I kissed him but what was supposed to be a simple peck turned in us making out and stufffffffffffff

But yeah. :)

However you sign a journal,


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