Day 14

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Well, today is my second to last day of the "15 day program" and I must say it's been quite a ride. We left California today and like Damon told me, we took Amelia with us. Damon asked me if I could stay at his place for a while until he sorts his whole work situation out. I gladly accepted (his place is better than mine anyway), and as promised I went to talk to Caroline. Of course I had to take Amelia with me so that ruined the big plot twist, but Caroline still acted surprised when I dropped the bomb. Maybe it was because I told her that I was babysitting my neighbors daughter while Amelia was swinging on the swings.

"Oh how I wish I could've been a fly on the wall." Caroline said.

"Trust me, you wouldn't have wanted to witness part one of the trip. The whole thing with my mother and Damon's lies, it was brutal."

"Yeah, I wish I could've been there for you with the whole thing with your mother. Which brings me to ask; are you going to tell your father?"

"Actually, I haven't thought about that."

Caroline stared at me for a while then looked over at Amelia. "She really does look a lot like Damon. How's the mother by the way?"

"I don't know. I didn't meet her or even see a picture of her." I decided to leave the abuse to myself. It wasn't my place to tell such a thing and Caroline is known for her big mouth. I love the girl, but she can't keep a secret longer than a bee stays in the hive.

"That's strange don't you think?"

"Maybe. I mean they were on vacation so I don't see them bring photos with them."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

After our conversation I took Amelia to the mall. I figured a little shopping wouldn't hurt and it could also give us a better chance to bond.

"So, what are your favorite places to shop?"

"I don't know, mommy always buys my clothes."

We stopped at the first child store there was. It was called Justice or Victory or something like that. Anyway, they had some cute things! If I was a kid, I would be all up in that store! Amelia got some nice things and she's an inexpensive one too. Damon had a break from work so he met us at the food court.

"Hey, baby." I wasn't sure if he was talking to me or Amelia so I kept quiet.

He kissed Amelia then me and sat between us.

"Amelia, do you want to show your daddy what you got?"

She nodded and reached down to grab her bags. While she was fiddling with the bags, Damon kissed me quickly again a little more PG-13 rated. He pulled away by the time Amelia showed the first item.

"Did you thank Bonnie for all the clothes?"


Actually she didn't, but her mother doesn't seem like the best of mothers so who can blame her. (Was that mean?)

After lunch Damon walked us to the car and he had to return back to work.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For taking Milly shopping, I know she really appreciated that."

"It was no big deal. Shopping's a girls best friend."

Damon chuckled then his smile turned sinister.

"What's on your mind, Salvatore?"

"Oh, babe, don't call me that in public or at least when my daughter is around."

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