Cursed: Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I feel my legs shake, as I run towards Nene as fast as I can, but it doesn't matter. So without thinking, I lunge at one of the werewolves thrashing at her, but Asher leaps up and grabs me, pulling me away just in time as it swipes in our direction. Then, it slowly stands up on two legs, dominating me, because it feels nearly twice my height standing on its two hind legs. It has long arms that are sculpted from sheer muscle, with fur that covers the entire beast, save for the parts where it had clearly been scarred in the past. Its yellow eyes then look at me, almost through me though, as if I'm no threat at all in its eyes. My entire body freezes with fear though, before cowering when it opens its mouth to howl loudly, revealing its long, razor sharp teeth, each one half the size of my forearm.

It's right to think I'm not a threat...

I begin to back away until I hear gargling coming from Nene, and I peer around the beast where our eyes meet for only a second before she slowly shuts them. I look up and meet Caleb's eyes, who's looking directly at me as a dark fire ignites in his own eyes. It suddenly feels as if all the air in the area leaves us...and we don't care. In that moment, my brother and I share one of those weird sibling telepathy moments, instantly rallying to each other with no fear with unexplainable hatred towards any who oppose us.

Normally it's used for weird neighbors or annoying people in restaurants, but this time it serves a greater purpose.

Caleb quickly reaches to the ground while whispering a chant, causing it to shake so violently that the werewolves are thrown to the ground. I scream loudly and close my eyes, breathing for a second to slow time down so I can race through my mind to figure out what to do. Slowly the werewolves get up, but everyone's screams are drowned out by the energy surging within me. It all happens so slowly, and so effortlessly. The curse whispers through my heart, and then it all thumps madly like a battle drum as a vision forms in my head...a vision that is not of my own thoughts, though.

“Release from my body, a weapon I truly know, let it slice through the air, make it come down like fiery snow.” I whisper, and out of my body flies hundreds of swords, all impaling the three werewolves around us. They all crumble to the ground, being seriously wounded, but clearly not fatally. While they writhe in pain though, I lose my concentration and crawl over to Nene, grabbing her limp body that's covered in blood.

She CAN'T be dead! SHE CAN'T BE!

Then, a flicker of her eyelids and some scratchy, shallow breathing reaches my ears. I feel her chest rise barely in my arms, but enough to know that we have something to fight for. Without warning, the world around us begins to fill up with shadows, and instantly fatigue seeps into my core as I get drained of the strength needed to do even the simplest of tasks in my body. Right before my eyes slip shut though, I feel it all climax around my body, releasing all of the energy in a loud wave that strikes my heart, making me crumble completely to the ground next to Nene.

I hear a series of howls after a few seconds and gingerly open my eyes to find Nene and I surrounded by dead bodies, with silver objects splintered into every inch of them. I wearily look around to find stunned faces from everyone except from Caleb, who rushes towards me in an instant as if nothing happened at all.

“D-did you do that massive spell just now?” I whisper, finding my throat incredibly dry all of a sudden.

“Did you do a spell that released a bunch of energy without enough knowledge or experience to back it up?” Caleb retorts shortly. “Never-mind. Look, she's still alive. We can argue about who did the dumber thing, OR we can save her life.”

My mother clears her throat awkwardly and kneels down next to my brother, resting a hand on his shoulder, “S-sweetie...”

“What?!” Caleb exclaims, grabbing Nene's hand and squeezing it tightly.

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