Cursed: Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

There are images that seem to withstand time in your mind, and the second I open my eyes I find an image that will always stay with me.

There is no Sun to warm my skin, and the cold air whips around me, bringing tears to my already cloudy eyes. I blink the tears away right before I try to wipe my eyes with my hands, quickly changing my mind after seeing how dirty my hands are. After that, I glance up to see my blood rush into my fingers, absorbing away the paleness and bringing back a lively color that seems to glow in the world around me that suddenly is so gray.

It's one of those weird moments that just connects to the soul.

Snapping out of it completely, I cough as a cloud of ash blows right past me, and I blink furiously until it clears to find Carter sitting next to me on the ground in shock. Not a word is spoken, yet everything is heard between us. His face, originally torn and distraught is still in the process of changing to shock and surprise, making everything seem like a muddy puddle of emotions. His mouth just opens and closes before cautiously reaching out his hand to touch the side of my face.

I close my eyes as his cold hand gingerly touches my skin, making me shiver slightly and draw up a smile upon my face. He pulls his hand away quickly, staring at it suspiciously before returning to look at me, happiness starting to obviously crawl all over his face now.

“I...didn't want to leave you alone,” he whispers, moving his eyes downward to stare at his hands again before moving to the spot where I had fallen after being drained by Dominic, which is still covered in my blood.

I smile and look up to the sky, closing my eyes tightly and finding tears trickle down my face. “Never has the cold felt so warm,” I say as I open my eyes and look at Carter briefly before flicking my eyes to the large commotion happening to the left of us, bewildering me so much for a second that I just watch in silence.

Almost like an endless wave of dark, twisted minions that look like horribly disfigured humans, run up to Asher who moves in a fiery blaze, slashing them down with speed and precision within seconds of them coming near him, creating a mound of bodies around him that melt away slowly. Then, they trickle a few feet away, rising up out of the ooze that their original bodies gave off, just to climb up out of their demise to fight Asher again. He holds his ground though, despite the odds, and doesn't show a second of weariness. Just fury and determination...almost as if he's making a point.

I raise my hand and whisper under my breath, “Stay in the original form you are, stuck in a position of no eternal life, a cheat backfired, caused by the true, eternal strife.”

They all fall down from Asher's claws, and teeth within seconds, but not rising again after that. For a few seconds afterward, he just stands there in the stillness of all the death around him before turning around slowly to my direction. Upon seeing me, a light bursts into his eyes. He just stares into my eyes for a few seconds that seem to last forever, not smiling or making a single expression on his face, except one that seems to be just absorbing the moment.

Suddenly he falls to his knees, and Carter and I rush towards him, grabbing his arms on both sides to help him back up. Once standing, he starts laughing as he turns his head to mine to be just inches away, and whispers, “You're amazing!”

A cloud of black smoke blows past us, making me cough loudly and dissolving Asher and Carter from my view for a few seconds. Once it passes, I frown and look around, noticing a battle just down the hill from us. Then, Nene, my mother, father, and Caleb rush up the hill, freezing for a second before all of them rush towards me at a great speed, throwing themselves at me.

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