Cursed: Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

This time I touch Dominic's forehead, seeing the connection place in his mind. I firmly grab his wrist, making him turn to me surprised while I just smile sadly in return, “I don't want to just follow along. I want to move.” Taking a slow, deep breath, I picture it clearly within my head. Opening my eyes, I smile as a mystical door appears in front of us, one that only I can see, though. It's shimmering, glowing, and just beautiful, but it doesn't allow me to observe it for very long because it opens shortly after appearing...pulling us both through.

Dominic gasps as we arrive at the Yellowstone Caldera before smiling at me and clearing his throat, “See...I knew you made your choice a long time ago.”

I walk up ahead of him, trembling so much that I feel like I'm going to collapse to the ground any second, “W-what do you mean?” I spit out harshly.

“You knew what you wanted to do the second you saw that curse appear over your heart,” he says calmly while pointing to my heart.

I touch my heart instinctively, almost protecting it from him before looking up at the sky and noticing that the protection spell on the Sun is gone, “The...Sun...wait, what?!”

“A connection spot,” Dominic says lightheartedly. “It connects everything from below to the sky.” He moves closer to me, grabbing my wrists and makes me cringe a little in pain, “We're the same here.”

I growl lowly, “We'll NEVER be the same.”

“Yet we both have something very tragic in common, my dear,” he says passionately in my ear. “We both don't have a soul.”

I yank my head backwards and look directly into his eyes, “I h-have a soul, and that's WHY I need to do this.”

A grin passes over his lips, widening slowly, “And that's the choice you made a long time ago. They don't say this, and it isn't in any old tomes, but that curse is an a death wish. THAT'S why it chose you. That's why you don't fear it, because it's an answer to your very heart's prayer.”

I close my eyes and feel a few tears slip out as the truth washes over me. I never wanted to be a witch. I never wanted magic. I never wanted to be able to fight with it, either. I never wanted to move away. I never wanted to change. I wish with all my heart that I could just go back to how I was before it all started. I was happy...ignorant, but happy. Everything and all this knowledge has been crushing me the second I opened that door to Ms. Thorn's office.

I hate everything about me. Everything I'm growing up to be. I deserve this because...I feel deserve nothing better.

“H-how did you know then?” I whisper.

“Because I've had many lifetimes to connect the dots,” Dominic says as he let's go of my wrist and smooths down my hair. “It's a shame that this is your fate. You could've been...sooooo many things.”

I feel tears trickle down my face, “No, I was CURSED the day I was born. Nobody should be able to do what I do... Nobody should be able to do what I've done! I can only r-run so far away from myself!”

“And yet...that power chose you,” he says with almost a tender smile. “For what it's worth, I'm sorry.”

“W-why?” I ask, shivering now.

He lets go of my other wrist and places his hands on the sides of my face, “Because despite everything, you're an amazing girl who doesn't deserve to die young.”

I wipe my eyes before pushing his hands aside, and then step back a few steps, “T-thank you?”

He laughs and shakes his head, “Humans and their insecurities! I know you don't see it, but I've lived a long time and I know it when someone is truly special and unique. That's the true curse you bear, my child, your insecurities.”

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