
33 6 1

4/23/2019 [2:53 pm]

I wanna hold you. I want to pull you into my embrace and keep you there forever. I wanna press my lips to yours and kiss you all over. I wanna lay your head in my lap and trace my fingers along your skin whilst you tell me about all the little things that annoyed you today. I wanna inhale the sweet scent of your lotion and listen to your dreams. I want your presence. I want to go on adventures with you to ordinary places and places that make you happy. I wanna discover untold pieces of you and your journey. I want to lace my fingers in yours and sing you silly songs. I want to read books with you. I want to study your gaze. I wanna take the longest nap ever in your arms or with you in mine. A nap so good we wake up with sleep lines and hair that'd make a lion's mane jealous. I wanna sit and listen to your voice for hours on end. I like it when you call me baby. Or when you use that extra special nickname that doesn't come too often. I want to see you. Most importantly, I want to be yours. And one day, I want to love you. I know it's dumb and cheesy but I want all of you and more. Longing.

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