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I'm starting to feel like a burden to you
like you dealing with me is a chore
like I bother you more often than not
like you don't want me anymore

I don't feel very wanted
when the maximum amount of words you speak
to me in one day
consist of 16 different tiny messages
that are all one word

you don't tell me you miss me anymore
when i tell you how much i miss you
you don't notice how hard i've been working
just so i could get back to you

and maybe this has nothing to do with me
maybe i'm just catching the shit end of the stick

you don't say you love me too
you say okay
all the time

are you lying?
i don't know.

i hope you still love me as much as i love you
even if you don't want to tell me.

i wish that things could be okay
even if you aren't always okay
because when i'm sad
i don't love you any less

maybe i'm selfish for being this way



and it feels like you wish i were

it hurts me.
but it will be okay.
maybe this'll all blow over.
maybe you'll feel like i'm worth your time.
i really really hope so
i want you.

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