Why me?

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They start giggling and finally reply with

"How do you think it went?"

Following with a loud chuckle.

I didn't know what was so funny so I just tried playing along, another mistake. They suddenly stop laughing, look at each other, look at me, then back at each other again. They start talking to each other in a little huddle frequently looking at me and then back to the group that had formed.

The apparent leader, Annabella(or my ex-best friend), steps forward in her cocktail dress, slams her hand on the lunch table, and responds with "we had a great summer thanks for asking, now you can eithor choose to leave or you can hmm, beat it scamp. There will never and I mean never be enough room for a nerdy kid like you hun, so uh bye-bye" she says waving her hand in a good-bye motion.

I didn't expect any negativity to ever leave her mouth, she was such a nice, sweet and great best friend. I don't know what had happened. We had our summer planned out and then halfway through she ditches me and decides she doesn't want to do anything. Why? Why not? We had planned our favorite things to do and we would do it all summer! And she wants out?

After that summer incident she never talked to me the rest of the summer. I would text her and she would ignore my text. I could tell she read it but she would decide not to reply. She wouldn't tell me why.

We haven't talked since lunch and we have no classes together. I also have no friends nada, nothing, not even one person who remotely cares for me.

I'm an orphan, my father and poppop died while serving our country. My mother died giving birth to me and I'm a second generation only child. I lived with my grandma while my father and poppop were serving when I was six and I still am. I remember coming home from school to my grandma crying hugging a picture of my dad and poppop together listening to their favorite music. She lifted me off the ground swinging me in circles whispering in my ear "I'm so sorry" sniffling the entire time. I still live with her feeling guilty all day long.

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