Chapter 1

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Grabbing the bags I smile and turn to look up at my son. I am by no means a small woman. Standing at 5,9 and 149Ibs I was able to to look down at some of my coworkers. My son on the other hand was 5,11 and showed no signs of stopping. When it came to aperence he looked more like his father but his eyes were identical to mine.

"Let's get to the car that's waiting for us. Make sure you have all your bags."
From the corner of my eye I could see him roll his eyes.

We made our way through the airport and finally outside. Spotting the car with the driver holding up a sign with our last name on it we made out way over and exchanged pleasantries before getting in the car.

Looking over at him I decide now would be the ideal time to go over his schedule. "You start school next week at Ouran. We live close enough so you can walk to and from our house. You signed up for kendo as your club so I expect you to go.  Not that you wouldn't anyway...." I mumbled the last bit to myself aware he would still hear me.

He smiled "Don't worry mom I'll be fine besides if anything goes wrong I know I can trust you too come save me." He laughed at the last bit and I could tell he was playing out the seen in his head.

We arrived to the house an hour later and stepping out of the car I stretched my arms above my head. After paying  the driver we grabbed our luggage and began to walk to the house. The pictures online had not done the quaint house justice. Unlocking the door we stepped inside the rest of our items had arrived before us and where in the house waiting to be unpacked.

"Go put your things in your room then come downstairs to help unpack."

Watching him nod I went and set my stuff down at the door. I made my way to the kitchen and began to unpack the dishes and put them away. A few minutes later Max joined me. A hour later we had finished unpacking the kitchen.

A week later we had unpacked everything in the house and had it all set up.

Stepping off the tread mill I put my dirty blond hair up into a ponytail and went up stairs to wake Max up for school. Knocking on his door I wasn't  surprised when he opened it dressed and ready.

"Someone's excited to start school." I poked him teasingly "Go eat breakfast I'll go change and walk you to school today." I watched him jog down to the kitchen before turning around and walking to my room. Changing into a summer dress and tennis shoes. I took my hair down and brushed it over my shoulder. Double checking myself in the mirror I nodded and  put a sun hat on.

Walking down the stairs I handed him his school bag and took his free hand. "Let's go Max."

A few minutes later we had arrived at the school and people were already pointing and whispering about Max. "Let's go to the office"

Arriving at the office I smiled at the secretary and switched to Japanese "Hello I'm here to drop off my son Max Light. I was told there was some papers I still needed to sign?"

The woman nodded and handed me papers on a clip board. Turning to face Max she told him a student from his class would be here shortly to be his buddy for the day.

After filling the papers out I looked up noticing a small girl intruding her self as Aria Haninozuka. She had brown hair and eyes but looked like she belonged in the elementary part of the school. Standing up I handed the secretary the papers and walked over to Max and gave him a hug. "I'll see you when I get home. He nodded to me before he walked off with the girl who looked a bit perplexed.

Walking out of the school I pulled out my phone and called my driver telling them to pick me up from the highschool.

After a 20 minute ride I arrived at the office building and made my way to the elevator and pushed the button for the 11th floor. After waiting 2 minutes I stepped out of the elevator and walked into the office and sat behind my desk the plaque in front of me stating president proudly.

Picking up the phone I grabbed a pen and paper fully aware that today would be a busy day.

Max's pov-

Aria kept looking up at me with a perplexed expression and wood look away only to glance back again. I glanced down at her wondering why I felt such a strong impulse to  protect her. Dismissing it to her size I let the thought go. We arrived at what looked to be our class room, 1-b. Stepping inside we were met with students laughing and chatting.

Walking up to our teacher I introduced myself then went and sat down Aria sat next to me.

She looked up at me still perplexed and asked "Where are you from?"

Blinking a few times I looked down at  her and supplied a short answer "America."

She frowned and mumbled something about how it would be impossible and there is just no way.

Shrugging my shoulders I looked at the teacher who had begun the lesson.

Yay second chapter!! I think we all know who's parents Aria's are and I will state again I do not own OHSHC

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