Chapter 2

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Sam's Pov

Signing the last paper in front of me I roll my shoulders backwards and look over at my schedule taking note that I had a conference in 7 minutes.

"One of these days I'll get a secretary or even an assistant." I say mumbling to myself.

Setting up my laptop I arrange everything around my desk and place the documents we would be discussing on the left of my desk and put a note book on the right with three different pens.

Moving to Japan had been a risk one I was willing to make if it meant a better education for Max and job security for myself. So far it has seemed to be a well timed gamble.

Looking at the clock I stood and moved to the door. A client was supposed to be here shortly and greeting them while sitting down seemed like a bit to much of a power move.

Just as I arrived to the door a knock sounded. Smoothing my hands over my clothes I calmly called out for them to enter and in walked in an almost identical copy of my son.

Brushing off my initial shock I motion for him to enter further into the room. "Good afternoon Mr. Morinozuka. I hope today finds you in good health?"

He nods "It does Mrs. Light."

Maneuvering over to my desk I motion for him to take a seat. "Today we are here to go over terms of sending people to be trained and the conditions of payment. Correct?"

He nodded in agreement.

3 hours later a contract and 5 cups of tea we had come to an agreement.

Standing up we bowed to each other.

"Thank you for taking your time to come settle matters. I can't wait to work with you in the future. Would you like me to call a car for you?"

He nodded his head "Yes, could you request them to bring me to Ouron Private High school."

Looking at him I laugh a little. "Would you rather ride there together? I have to pick someone up."

He nodded and as I was calling a car we both made our way out of the building. As I sat down in the car it finally clicked why he looked like my son and I pinched my nose at my oblivious behavior.

Max's pov

The Final bell had rung and my classmates had begun to leave the classroom. I stood and grabbed my bag. Looking over to Arias seat I chuckled softly to myself noting she had fallen asleep. Not wanting to leave her in the class alone I sat back down and waited for her to wake up.

20 minutes had passed and she had started to stir turning to face her I watched her wake up.

"Good afternoon." I said to her with a soft smile.

Blinking her eyes a few times as if to wake up more she looked at me and held her arms up asking without saying anything for me to carry her.

Not seeing an issue I reach down for the small Lolita and pick her up holding her with one arm while I grab her bag and my own.

"Where do you need to go?"

"Music room 3" she responds groggily.

Nodding I walk out of the classroom but unsure as where to go I began to wander looking for the third music room.

After what felt like an hour but couldn't have been more than 15 minutes I finally find the elusive classroom knocking before I enter. I step in to hear the chattering of young men and woman.

All movement ceases to continue the second before I step through the door and then someone squeals before fainting 

Hey Ik it's short but it's back leave a like for a chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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