Chapter 7: Worst Parenting Ever

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"Hey Dad?" I called from my room, hoping that he would be the right person to come to based on my current situation. Dad and I had always been really close, and he was probably the only one in my family who understood me completely. I mean, Mom did too, and so did Calum and Helen, but Dad just got it. 

"Yes Princess?" He smiled, his blue eyes lighting up as he stood in the doorway, coming into my room and closing the door behind him. I couldn't help but remember all of the times that he came to me as a child, and helped me with issues; even if they were just about Archer stealing my favourite toy unicorn, they were still pretty serious back then. 

Before I knew what I was doing, tears started pouring down my face, and he ran over to me, holding me securely in his arms, cooing me as he did. "I just don't know what to do anymore." I whispered to him, clutching to his shirt and allowing my tears to stain it. "I'm so messed up!" I complained, not even knowing exactly why I was crying as I held him closer. 

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong beautiful?" He asked, pulling away a little and allowing me to swim in the comfort of his presence. "I did come up here to help you know." He smirked, showing his typical 'Dorlan' charm that won Mom over when they were in high school. 

"I just-" I bit my lip, trying to choose my words wisely, "Ever since Archer came back." 

"I knew it." He whispered under his breath, cursing a little before covering his mouth and giving me an apologetic smile. Although he tried not to swear around me out of consideration, he did slip a few times, and I was fine with that. He and Reid always swore while watching football anyways, so I had grown used to the words. 

"Knew what?" I asked hopefully, knowing that I was right to call him up. He was "Graylan the Wise" after all. I chuckled to myself at the nickname he had given himself a while ago before looking back to him.

"Um sweet heart, could you just wait in here for a second? I need to go talk to your mother." He smiled, patting my back before standing from my bed and moving out into the hallway, closing my door behind him. 

Being the curious (Helen called it nosy but I call it curious) person I am, I skipped quietly over to the door and pressed my ear against the wood, hoping to hear what he had to say. 

"Like I looked at you." He finished. I sighed, knowing that I had tuned in at the end of the sentence. "I should probably get back. Alright, love you too Isa. No, I love you more silly. Whatever." He laughed before hanging up the phone. I frantically made my way back my bed for the purpose of not getting caught, and smiled innocently when he came back in. 

"So?" I started, hoping that he would tell me what that was all about.

"Your mother and I think you should stay away from the boy." He told me, his decision seeming as final as ever. "We also think that you should try and socialize with more people you're age. You know, Calum is going to a party tonight with Helen. Why don't you ever go to those?"

"Seriously?" I gasped, my jaw hanging off of the top hinge in complete surprise, "Most parents would be telling their child to stay home and study, however, you just defied all parenting laws by telling me to go to a party. Maybe I should call child services." I joked, winking at him as I did.

"I'd actually prefer if it was you going to parties and not the other two. I don't have anything to worry about when it comes to my little Carmen. You're basically a walking calculator." He smiled. "356 times 98." 

"34 888" I replied quickly, sighing and smacking my hand against my head. "Gosh darnit!" I complained, "I fall for it every freaking time." 

"You're just too easy sweet heart. However, I never know if the answer is actually correct so I'll just have to take your word for it." He smiled.

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