Chapter Four

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When Bei was living in the streets, she had no one to answer to. No one told her what to do and when to do it. During her time alone, she had gotten accustomed to doing whatever she wanted, and one of those things was waking up to her liking. Sadly, it was a luxury in which she would have to let go if she were to live in the Jade Palace, for everyone who lives there were early risers. Fair warning... she isn't the nicest of snow leopards when waking up in the early hours and especially when she is woken up by someone well, let's just say the outcome's never good. In simple terms, she is not a morning person.

Master Shifu had come to wake up the inmates at the usual time at six in the morning. Tai Lung, the ever so punctual, shot out of his room like a bullet and greeted with a, "Good morning Master." Master Shifu, satisfied with Tai Lung's eagerness, was reminded of the new trainee when he saw no one come out of the room opposite Tai's. His long eyebrows frowned in irritation and called out to the new female.

"Bei." He waited, but no answer came nor did a foot walk out of the room. His irritation only grew. "Bei, wake up!"

Still no answer. Master Shifu merely nodded at the waiting and amused snow leopard who walked up to the female's door and knocked. Still, no answer or sound came from the room. Annoyed, and rolling his eyes, Tai Lung bashed his fist against the door and called out to her. Nothing. Giving up on being nice, Tai Lung barged into the room. He only got a glimpse of the girl's peaceful sleeping form when two shocking green eyes flashed open and Tai Lung found himself against the wall. He looked down and found a foot against his chest. He looked up the leg and up her torso where he met her eyes. Wow her eyes, Tai Lung thought. So vivid and dangerous. Not once did he back-track on what he thought, despite his mutual hatred for her.

He only just realised that he was compromised when he was snapped out of his thoughts by a low growl from the female, who's foot was still attached to his chest.

For a long moment everyone was silent. So silent, that you could hear the birds chirp from the forest which, I should tell you, was quite far from the Palace. Master Shifu was the first to clear this throat and speak.

"Bei, take your foot off him at once." He reprimanded strictly, with a clipped tone. I should tell you, he was absolutely astonished at the speed in which the young female had performed, and her kick was spectacular. Everything in that one move was accurate.

Bei's head snapped to the small red panda just outside her door and shifted her leg off the young male's chest. She regained her balance and coughed uncomfortably.

"I apologise, I'm not used to anyone waking me up... or even approaching me for that matter." She admitted. Instantly she gave herself a mental kick for revealing such a thing. Not once had she let her guard down like that, even if it was a small thing (not that she thought it small). The two males however, were astonished that she had next to no contact with anyone. Master Shifu especially was impressed that she could take care of herself for such a long time. He saw potential in her for definite, I can tell you.

Tai Lung however, was almost saddened at her previous predicament she had to live with. He started to sympathise with her, but kicked himself mentally for allowing him to get even remotely close to the female. He did not want her here, and therefore would try to make her life difficult in the process. However, and be prepared for foreshadowing, he later in the story, realised how hard that would be. He walked passed the girl and roughly bumped her shoulder.

"Just get up on time and don't do that again." He threatened with a dark tone. Bei instantly felt defensive, and narrowed her eyes at the retreating back of Tai Lung. What the heck was his problem, she thought. She glanced towards the red panda who gave her a scrutinised look. She frowned at him, but the master merely nodded, coughed and proceeded.

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