Chapter 2: The Train

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Like every year, the new tributes had some times to see their families at the town hall before boarding the high-speed train that would take both of them to the Capitol. Cato had been so out of it he didn't even remember what he had said. Not to his sister, not to his parents, not the a couple of his friends that took the time to come around and say bye. Which was kind of ironic because he always had planned to participate in the games to make them proud and bring them wealth.

He wants to see her. 

The door of his room inside the train wouldn't open but he wants to see her right now. As soon as the goodbyes wrapped up, they had dragged him and Clove into the train. Just to lock them up in their respective bedrooms without leaving him any chance  to talk to her.  He wasn't really sure why they did that. A safe guess would be that the District Two tributes seemed to be the type to want to get right down to business. So probably it was a way to keep them in check until the mentors get things organised. Smart.

But Cato fucking hated this!

With a final roar Cato punches the door again cutting open the tough skin on his knuckles. Exhaling sharply, exasperated, he slouches against it. This sucks. He had been stuck here for hours. Other than the fact that he really needed to see Clove, he was dramatically bored. Nothing in his surroundings was remotely interesting. It pretty much looked like the guest bedroom in his own house. How can the Capitol thinks that this would impress District Two tributes? I mean if he took an objective eye on things, which he usually didn't, it could be impressive to someone who had nothing. Like lower district tributes. He imagine a - enjoy the ride to your death - kind of present.

Anger rising up again, Cato walks back and forth in front of his bed his fits opening and closing like it could squeeze the neck of the Mute that closed the door behind him earlier. If at least he had something to punch or break. Finally loosing it, he grabs a pillow and throws it at the door in a very childish gesture. Unfortunately a poor Mute chose this very moment to open the door and call for diner.

Cato puts his hand on his mouth half because of the chock half to contain a laugh rising up after seeing them take the pillow right in the face.

 "Sorry.", he says his lips pressed together to contain it.

The Mute shakes her head to dismiss it, and after quickly putting back the pillow on the bed, she indicates the living room. A smell of warm potatoes, think gravy and slated peas wafts from there. 

Without another thought, Cato rushes into the dining wagon. His heart is beating so fast in his chest that he can feel it pounding against his ribs. It's almost so intense that his eyes go blurry under the emotion. That explains why he didn't see it coming. Tripping on the carpet, Cato brakes before hitting the table covered in fancy delicacies. Making a foul of himself in front of not only Clove that he'd been dying to see, but also both his mentors: Brutus and Enobaria. 

Cato swears under his breath, almost  hopping the intruders could hear it. How did he forget they would be here? Every new tribute was to be trained by former years Hunger Games winners from their own district. During her Game, Enobaria had becaome famous for ripping another tribute's throat out with her bare teeth, so she later altered her teeth into sharp points, like fangs, and had them inlaid with gold. One the other hand, Brutus was named seemingly perfect as it clearly matched his brutality, animal-like nature, and visible strength. Two killing machines. 

Cato usually would be thrilled that he and Clove ended with them as trainers, but not tonight. 

Understanding, that no amount of death staring would ever frighten either of them, Cato decides to sit across the table. Side glancing at Clove, Cato notices that she hasn't looked up one second to look his way. Like her food was the most interesting thing happening right now. He couldn't believe it. It's like some obscure force didn't want them to talk before killing each other in the arena. That wouldn't surprise him if it was true, the Capitol could be particularly vicious when they wanted to. 

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