CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Pride Before the Fall

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The school term started at the beginning of September. Now, it was near the end of the month. Since then and now, Aliah had made good friends, doing well in her studies and getting closer to Draco. 

Their second date was in the previous week. It was simple but sweet. Draco had taken Aliah for a walk around the Hogwarts grounds. It was a nice, sunny day but due to the Scotland air, Aliah still had to wear a coat. 

During their walk, they used their time for Aliah to teach Draco Italian.  She laughed occasionally as he didn't have the accent so some of the pronunciation didn't come out right.

"You shouldn't laugh at me. You have the accent because you are Greek!" Draco scolded

"I'm sorry," Aliah doubled over. "You don't have to be Greek to have an accent. When you pronounce the words correctly the accent comes naturally. Trust me,"

"Next week is the quidditch game," Draco said, changing the subject

"Yeah, I know. The whole of Gryffindor has been talking about it. Not to mention Ginny sat me down and went through the rule book with me," Aliah grimaced at the memory. "She was quite thorough about it," 

"I could imagine," Draco rolled his eyes. "Will you be cheering for me?"

"Well, it's either you or the Hufflepuff house," Aliah smirked. She suddenly stopped and kiss his cheek. "Of course, I will be your personal cheerleader."


Aliah woke up early on the day of the quidditch match. She quickly changed into black leggings, denim mini skirt with a grey jumper. She was thankful that her boots were knee-high to keep the chilly air off.

Once Aliah was ready, she headed down to breakfast with Ginny. As they sat at the table, a long-eared owl came swooping down. It jumped on its feet searching for its recipient. Finally, the beady eyes spotted Aliah. The owl waddled over, students quickly grabbing their plates so the bird wouldn't walk in their food.

"Who is it from?" Ginny asked. Aliah untied the envelope and package from the owl's clutches. She gave the bird some pieces of bacon from Ginny's plate. 

Aliah opened the envelope and read it out loud,

"Hope you are enjoying your new school, there is no more excitement around here. No other students, even Kora, dare to say a joke without you.

I know you like writing, so I thought you would like your diary returned to you. Also, I've sent your songbook. You left it in my classroom thought I should return it to you.

If you wish, when the terms end, you are welcome to stay with us.

Be well Aliah.

Silver Witch,"

"Silver Witch?"

"An old teacher of mine. She was like my mother, I looked up to her," Aliah picked up the parcel and unwrapped it. The diary was made of royal blue - her favourite colour - velvet, with her birthstone the opal. Her songbook was a deep crimson leather, a black skull with the words 'Don't let Fear Rule Your Life'.

"Hey, Aliah are you ready for Quidditch?" Malfoy ran in, sliding next to Aliah. All Gryffindors glared at the Slytherin - especially being a Malfoy.

"Smooth Blondie, Smooth," she laughed

"What is it with that saying?" Malfoy huffed. Aliah shrugged. "Are you ever going to stop saying it?"

"Nope," Aliah laughed and stood up to place her things in her room. Malfoy rose from his seat and followed her. 

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