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She felt it before they walked into the door. Aliah watched her parents from her bedroom window. Her mum was an average sized woman with long chestnut hair. At the moment she wore a black suit with a plum blouse. Her hair was tied into a low, tight bun. From her spot, Aliah could tell that her blue eyes were filled with worry.

Her Father, on the other hand, stood tall with his hands on his wife's shoulders. His brown hair was shaven short and his chin had a light stubble. He spoke words to Aliah's mother that seemed to lessen the tension in her back.

Aliah ignored the sickening feeling in her stomach and returned to her work in front of her.

"The greenhouse effect is sun rays and ultraviolet rays being trapped by the earth's atmosphere. The greenhouse effect does not only allow rays to enter the atmosphere but also releases the unneeded gases if the earth becomes too hot.

This is important as the greenhouse effect is what keeps the climate of the earth at a safe temperature and controls what enters and what is released through the atmosphere.

The major gases that are trapped in the atmosphere are known as "greenhouse gases", these natural gases include water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide."

Aliah stopped typing her science assignment when she heard the entrance to her room open. Her bedroom was small but open. The attic was all timber with the bed built into the wall with LED lights. Next to her bed was a hammock that was near a window that showed the park next door.

Aliah leaned back into her chair, lifting her head to the ceiling. The timbered, the ceiling was covered in pictures of friends and family. Aliah stood up to stretch. Her toes digging into the white, circular carpet. 

The porthole opened and her brother's head popped up. "They brought takeaway so dinners ready,"

"Thanks, be down in five," Aliah nodded. Lukah closed the lid as she climbed down the staircase. Aliah leaned over her desk to save her science assignment and log off her computer.

She opened the lid and carefully climbed down the stairs. She walked down the corridor and down the staircase to the open area. The kitchen was separated from the lounge room by a wall but the glass dining table connected the two rooms.

Her parents looked up at her and quickly stole a glance at each other. Aliah shook it off, deciding not to meddle with her parent's problems.

Aliah sat next to her brother. Unlike Aliah, Lukah took their Father's height and looks. However, he wasn't as tall as their Father just yet.

"How was your day?" Their mother, Julia asked Aliah. 

"Normal. Worked hard, studied, talked to the girls,"

"How is Elora? I know her parent's divorce last year has taken some toll on her,"

"She is doing ok. Schools a distraction and with her moving from each house every week, she is really putting in the effort,"

"Poor girl,"

The rest of the dinner was small talk and listening to Lukah on how his teacher had set up a virtual reality game in the classroom.

When they were done, Aliah helped her mum clear the tables and wash the plates. Throughout the dinner, she could feel that something was off between her parents.

"Mum?" Aliah asked while scraping the bits of food into the bin.

"Yes, darling?"

"Are you and dad ok?"

"Yes of course we are! Why would you ask that?"

Aliah's mother looked straight into her daughter's eyes. She received a letter from Albus Dumbledore in the morning as she left for work. She knew that it was only a matter of time before Aliah would know the truth.

"I don't know," Aliah shrugged. "You and dad weren't exactly yourselves. I know I am not imagining it, Lukah could sense it too!"

Aliah looked back at her mother with concern in her eyes.  Julia dropped the dishes in the sink and took off her rubber gloves. She walked over to Aliah and pulled her in by her shoulders.

"Everything is quite alright," she kissed her daughter's forehead, "work is stressful at the moment, that is all. Nothing for you to worry about. OH!" Aliah's mother clapped her hands. "You Father and I have a gift for you!"

Julia walked out of the kitchen with Aliah trailing behind. They climbed the staircase and into the master bedroom. The king sized bed was in the middle of the room with a lime green duvet folded at the end. Grey cushions sat atop the bed against the dark wooden headboard.

Julia motioned for Aliah to sit on the bed next to her. Julia opens the drawer of her bedside table and pulled out a little box. She sighed and gently handed the box over to her only daughter.

Aliah took the box and opened it. She almost crushed her mother when she discovered what was inside. The small moonstone crystal dangled on a thin rose-gold chain.

"Do you know what a moonstone represents?" Julia asked softly

"New beginnings and good fortunes, very similar to amethyst, though moonstone is more about the future while amethyst is the present and protection,"

"Aliah, every time that you wear this necklace, I want you to remember us. Your Father and I love you very much, and wherever you go, we will always be with you,"

Aliah stared at her Mother. Why was she speaking like this? Probably because of the stress and they wanted her to know that they are there despite their work keeping them busy.

Though, Aliah couldn't shake off a bad vibe.

"That reminds me. Tomorrow night, your Father and I are going out so you will be staying with Mrs Strega. Lukah will be staying at his friend's house. After school, Mrs Strega will bring you home, do not catch the bus,"

"WHAT?" Aliah screamed and jumped off the bed. "Mum! I'm fourteen years old and Lukah is twelve. I'm sure we can stay one night alone and not burn the house down! Not to mention if anyone in the school finds out I went home with - oh please no!"

"No buts Aliah. Tomorrow after school you find Silvia and she will take you to her place, so pack a bag ready,"

Aliah glared at her mother and stormed out of the room, shoving past her father on the way.

Julia sighed and wiped away a tear. "Are we doing the right thing Mike?"

"It's for her own safety, there is only so much we can do. We both have known that this was a strong possibility. At least if she is with Silvia then if they come-"

"You mean when they come," Julia corrected, her voice quivering with fear.

"When they come, she will not be here, she will be safe." Mike kneeled in front of his wife. "Come on, we must pack. We will say goodbye to her tomorrow morning before she leaves for school."

Blood is Thicker Than Water (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now