The Nightly Chronicles

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Heads up, this chapter will frustrate the hell out of you. Just stick with it. lol Trust me. It's MEANT to be frustrating af.

Hopefully, this is fun for you guys! Was for me. lol

(Art not mine. Tried to locate the artist. Could not.)



Denki let his 3DS fall to the side on his bed. He gave a long, drawn-out sigh. Was he bored? Oh, intensely so. He was bored and had a lot on his little electrical mind.

He pushed himself up and crawled to the foot of his bed. He stared at his calendar with a puffed cheek glare. Grabbing the marker dangling from it he X'ed out the current day. Then in the header for the day he wrote 'day 7 - no Bakugou'.

The Academy just wasn't the same without the hot-headed, always ready for a fight, Katsuki. Things seemed so quiet, so uneventful, so monotonous. Even Eijiro was boring now. The guys' energy and big personality were snuffed out by the lack of their leader. Izuku appeared to be doing better than him and his friends. The green haired prick was blossoming. Sure, he showed concern and asked about finding Katsuki at least once a day. But, he just seemed happier without the blond around. Denki didn't fucking like it.

Denki rolled backwards off his bed and landed on his feet on his floor. He looked out his window. Curfew was soon, probably in the next hour or so if he had to guess. He was too lazy to pull out his phone and look at the time. Yes, his phone was in his pocket, and it'd take maybe four muscles to do the action. But, he had things happening in his brain! No distractions.

He chewed on the inside of his bottom lip as he stared out his window. For all he knew they could have stopped looking for Katsuki and they were just placating the few students who kept asking by telling them they were still looking. Shouldn't there be something? Some sign? Anything?

It was risky. What Denki was thinking of doing. Especially alone. But, something in him didn't want to tell anyone. Aside from the fact he knew everyone would stop him. It'd be insane to go looking for Katsuki, knowing he's with the League. Denki never claimed to be sane.

With his mind made up, he snatched his jacket off his desk chair and slipped out of his dorm room. He made his way down to the first floor without incident. So he made for the front doors in haste.

"Denki, where are you going? Curfew's in an hour."

Of course, it was Tenya fucking Iida. The guy was so anal it made Denki cry inside. He was positive the uptight freak hadn't had fun a day in his life... Because who knows how many safety codes fun broke!

Denki turned and smiled. "Just want some fresh air. Goin' for a walk. No big deal. Not even leaving campus." He waved the OCD freak away dismissively as he quickly headed out of the dorms.

The question now, where did he start his search for his friend? The League weren't stupid enough to go back to the same place. And it was still wrecked. So where? He stood just outside of UA campus, staring at the different streets he could take. Would they even be in Musutafu? Or would they have taken him to Tokyo?

If they were smart, and they were, they'd probably go to Tokyo. Still close to Musutafu to attack UA or whatever they felt like messing up to get UA's attention. But far enough away that they couldn't be easily tracked.

Apparently, Denki was going to Tokyo! He definitely wouldn't make it back in time for curfew.

"Sorry, Tenya... He's just more important." Denki mumbled before he took off in a run towards the train station.

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